Chapter 9 There is no coming back from this one

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Kevin picked me up from the hospital and now it's Tuesday. Kevin brought me my toothbrush, along with toothpaste and a brush. He even brought me some extra clothes along with some undies and my old sneaks. That's so when I go into school I can go into the bathroom and do whatever the fudge nuggets it is I need to do with my well-damaged body, thanks to my friends.

Needless to say, I'm scared out of my mind to go back into school. Yes, teachers know that something happened and someone hurt me. But no one knows that Diana and (most likely) my other so-called friends are out to get me. What if they hurt me again today, while I'm still recovering? Will anyone stop them? Will anyone know about the situation so they can stop them from beating me to death? Or am I all on my own?

Then again, I could be wrong. I don't want to jinx myself. You know, cause I have a bit of a habit for doing that and messing up my life all on my own. Maybe today luck will be by my side and Diana and the others won't pay any attention to me just to save their own butts. You never know. It could happen by some miracle. They might just leave me alone today.

Kevin finds a place to park and I darted out of his car as soon as it's safe to do so. Needless to say, I don't want to get an interrogation from Mr. Overprotective brother. It's either my brother or school. Either way, I lose.

I go into the bathroom and I feel good to see that nobody seems to be in it. Maybe my luck is changing, who knows. However, the person who walks in the bathroom next has my stomach churning in overwhelming fear. This won't end well. This can't end well. There's just no way it could. Fefe walks in looking like a pretty princess in her purple top and blue overalls with purple sneakers. Her hair is a little curly and light Caramel color. It's left down and goes the length of over her shoulders. She looks at me with an evil smile on her face and I wonder to myself, how can someone so beautiful be so crazy at the same time? What went wrong in her life for that to possibly happen to her? "Hey, you. Hehe. Huh. How I love, LOVE, love, LOVE life don't you?" She says, placing her hand on my shoulder. She's being so dramatic, it's freighting. She really knows how to play the crazy role because boy, does she do it good or what?

Maybe if I act calm and not like I'm going to poop myself, she'll leave me alone. "Hey, Fefe," I say, taking a deep breath trying to calm down my lungs. I've always had trouble with this part; pretending to act chill even though I'm worried as hell. It's hard to keep calm when you suddenly feel like you're not going to be able to breathe and you might just puke your guts out. Do you ever get that feeling? If you do, then you know what I'm feeling right now. They wouldn't do anything at school right? Teachers already know I'm being bullied even if they don't know who the person is. Besides, it's just a matter of time before they find out it was my 'friends' all along. What a juicy, soap opera, kind of plot twist if you ask me.

Surely they're not that stupid, though, right? Right?! "Look, there's a dog right there!" Fefe says she's crazy. Like mad hatter crazy. Only this isn't wonderland from a fairytale. She looks at a corner in the room that I can't see since I'm in front of her. She points at that corner. She's probably trying to gain control by trying to distract me in the most insane way possible. But she is really crazy and capable of doing things beyond imagination. "LOOK!" She says, almost breathless, her eyes bulging out and mouth hanging wide open. She turns my face but as expected there's nothing there. I mean why would there be? But she does gain control and she's in front of me now. She is smiling really crazy. Yep, she got what she wanted. But in all honesty, I don't think she could really harm me. Even if she wanted to. Only one person in our group has the-

Just then, the bathroom door swung open distracting me from my current train of thought and I tried to look back, but Fefe just wouldn't let go of my face. Her weight was on top of me. For some reason she loosened her grip slightly and then completely, only to feel a big pang in my left butt cheek. Did somebody kick my butt? Somebody kicked my butt! Why?! Why pick the most disgusting place to kick me? And when we are in the bathroom? I mean she doesn't know why I came in the bathroom in the first place. For all she knows, I was going to take a poop and she could've just kicked it out of me. I bet that would have been a great experience! Maybe, then, at least they might leave me alone because of the smell, but unfortunately, luck is one thing that will never be on my side. Why? I don't know. "Thanks, Fefe, but we've got this one." A voice said behind me. Obviously, the source to whom kicked my butt. Gwen. Wait! It had to be Gwen, right? We meaning Gwen and a dog or we meaning her and her imaginary friend that I never knew she had? Or we meaning-

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