Chapter 1 Bold Moves and Not So Scaredy Cats

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Dedicated to jasminflowerjeni for giving my story some love! Thank you so much! Your support means more to me than you could ever know. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint!

I went to my bedroom with the supplies that I had bought this morning and moved some stuff around in my bedroom. I wore my hair up in a ponytail and threw some clothes on that I didn't mind getting a bit dirty. Since, I'd already put the primer on, I just got started and opened up my mint-green paint bucket and painted over my once plain white walls. White may look good on vanilla ice cream, but it doesn't look good on my walls, I concluded. A few hours later I painted all my walls again, until they were all a beautiful minty, fresh, green.

By the time my walls were completely and utterly filled with the color green; It was already nine o'clock, since I got started at six. I waited till one O'clock for my walls to dry again. Since the paint was dry-based, it only took about four hours before they dried completely. 

Then, I had gotten out the black bucket of paint I bought. I put the paint on my paintbrush. Then, I prepared to splatter the paint on my walls, but Angus had come in just as I got the black paint on my brush, disrupting me from what I was about to do.

But, I had just decided to ignore my little brother. Instead, I continued to make a polka dot design on my wall and I painted it in. Then, I coated the paintbrush with the black paint again and started to shade the circles that I had previously outlined. 

Then, I saw some chubby hands following my lead with a smaller paint brush. They had dipped the brush into the black paint and splattered the paint onto my walls. 

Those hands didn't put a specific pattern on my walls; they just kind of free styled it. 

Well, at least it didn't clash with any of my perfectly constructed black, round dots. Sort of. Angus, my fourteen year old personal little pain seems to just find ways to annoy me. 

Angus is also known to be my younger brother. Aren't I lucky?

I heaved a sigh. He always follows his own rules. He would make a great bachelor one day and make some person equally as miserable as he makes me, but right now he was annoying me to no end.

He seemed to be helping me. I could have said thank you and in reality, I probably should've said thank you. But, I was just too stunned to say anything at all.

Angus and I are brother and sister. You don't just help your sibling out for no apparent reason. He must want something. What's the catch?

Okay, I know I was too stunned to say thank you, but a sibling never wants to say thank you to their siblings when they are actually helping them, because then it just starts something weird where you actually have to be polite to each other.

But, anyway, I wasn't too stunned to say this, "What are you doing?", And when I asked Angus that I couldn't help but to add a touch of suspicion in my tone of voice. I just couldn't believe he was really helping me. Am I dreaming? It was just all too surreal. I kept thinking the boy had to have an ulterior motive. But, how would him helping me to paint, help him?

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He asked in a bit of a 'duh' kind of tone, as he continued to paint my walls. He was not looking at me at all. Instead, he gave all of his attention to my -- now -- awesome walls. He had made me stop thinking about his ulterior motives. Maybe he didn't have any. Maybe, he was actually being nice to me today.

"Helping me?" I questioned and he just nodded and continued painting. "Why?" I pressed. Here it comes. What does that little weasel want? I needed to know. I just needed to know and I wasn't completely convinced that he didn't want anything. I knew he wanted something. He was my sibling. He had to want something. He just had to. Right?

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