Chapter 14 Nightmares and Secret Saviors

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"You are a worthless piece of shit that will never amount to anything in your life! You hear me?!" Jaredina asked while beating me to a bloody pulp. That Psycho bitch. "I'm gonna kill you now!" She said with an evil glow to her big brown, (non-friendly), eyes. And just like that, she kept punching and punching me until I was sure I was going to be taking my last breath.

I love you mom, dad, Kevin, Angus. I will miss you. I will you Carter, too. I thought to myself, as I prepared myself to see the light. At least then I wouldn't be in so much pain. But it never came. The light never came, the afterlife never came.

But darkness did. "Ahhh!" I couldn't help but belch out a scream at the top of my lungs. Is this what hell looks like? Was it that bad that I suddenly had first class tickets to see Satan? Wait if this were hell where's the fire?

"Hey, you okay?" A very concerned Carter asked, rushing over to me near the bed. Guess it was just a dream. More like a nightmare.

"Yeah, sorry. It must've been a bad dream." I said sheepishly while smiling apologetically.

Carter moved so that he was on the bed and grabbed me by the waist and sat me on his lap. He stroked my hair, soothingly. "It's okay, it was only a dream." He whispered to me. If only it was just a dream. But what he was doing really helped calm me down for some reason. I don't know why, but he was being so kind. For a second I was doubting if this was even the real Carter. Maybe he got abducted by aliens. It could happen...

I was trying to fight the urge of wanting to fall asleep in Carter's arms, but I couldn't do it. He was just so warm and inviting and I was really tired.

I know I should be afraid, in case another nightmare happens, but I couldn't because a part of me knew that as long as I had Carter by my side, I wouldn't have to be scared, for he would protect me as much as he could.

And that's what scared me the most...

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