Chapter Twelve

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I'm so sorry guys that I don't update as much as I should. It's been a hard year and I've been going through some family stuff but I do really want to finish the story. I'm constantly thinking about ideas. So here goes...

"Nova?" Roman gasped in what seemed like disbelief. As I'm about to speak, I felt myself falling back. I couldn't hold the weight on my back and I fell to the floor with a yelp, the sword fell from my hand with a clatter and the fire extinguished. I felt a tingle and strange sensation on my back before I thumped to the ground again. I looked back and the wings has disappeared.

Freaking wings! Roman ran over to me as I was sitting up before grabbing my shoulders and looking me over.

"This can't be. You're not supposed to be here. They hid you" he quickly stood up and started pacing.

"There must be a mistake, maybe there's another hybrid we don't know about but then the sword shouldn't have reacted to you"

"Wait Roman, what-"

"There must be a witch involved, they cast a spell to trick the sword, no that cant be right"

"Roman!" I called a little louder but he rambled on still.

"But if it is you then oh hell, the things I've done to you, Your parents would come back and slaughter me, they-"

"ROMAN!" He finally stopped pacing and faced me.

"What the hell is happening to me? what are you talking about, just stop rambling and explain to me what the fuck is going on!" my voiced raised as I got frustrated but Roman was no longer looking at me but my hands. I looked down to see that blue flame again, my hands encased in it. I panicked and began to flail my hands about, trying to put the fire out shouting for help.

"Nova, calm down, Nova, Nova!" Roman tried to come near me but I didn't want to set him on fire, I screamed at him to get away from me and I backed myself into a corner.

"Nova you need to calm down and breathe, Nova look at me!"

"Stop calling me Nova, that isn't my name, What is happening!"

"Ok, Alex. look at me and breathe, your skin isn't burning, just breathe and have a look, you're completely fine"

I had my hands outstretched in front of me but as I calmed down, I could see that my skin was fine and in actual fact, the fire wasn't hot. It was warm but also soothing. As I breathed and felt my heart come to a slow beat, the fire slowly went out.

"See, you did great. Now come, I think it's time we had a bit of a chat" Roman lifted the sword and put it back from where I'd gotten it before guiding me out of his office and down the hallway for a minute or so before we reached his bedroom.

"It's been a long day, go get showered and changed and I promise I'll explain everything. I gave a nod before taking some pyjamas with me into the bathroom. As I stood underneath the spray of the shower, I kept staring at my hands, waiting for them to burst into flames again but they didn't and honestly, I don't think I wanted them to. I saw what I did to that guy who attacked me. I mean he deserved it but what if I did that to someone innocent. But then realisation hit me. I'd killed a man. I had actually burnt a man alive with my own bare hands. Tears fell down my cheeks and I couldn't keep it in any longer so I just bawled. How cliche, crying in the shower but I had just killed a man. What even am I?

Everything came rushing out of me. This has to all be a dream. I just want to wake up and be back at home with my parents. A knock at the door startled me, "Hey, are you ok? You've been in there a while?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm getting out now" I called back before wiping my eyes, turning off the shower and stepping out onto a mat that soaked up the water from my feet.  I stood in front of the mirror and just stared at this person that I longer recognised.  My fingertips were tingling but I'm not sure if that's from the hotness of the shower or the fact that I shot flames out of my hand.

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