Chapter six

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Oh my god, what have I done? what is wrong with me? I haven't had any hanky panky in while so I am frustrated but that's not the point. I allowed my buyer, correction; My vampiric buyer, to finger and lick me into an orgasm. Granted it was a mind blowing orgasm but that's still not the point. I allowed my hormones to overpower me which made me oblivious to the fact that that pulling feeling had disappeared. I ripped his hand from my waist and moved away from him. I didn't get far seeing as my jeans were still around my ankles ending with me falling flat on my arse.

"Shit" I hissed in pain.  Roman stepped towards me but I shuffled back as quick as I could. When he halted his movements, I quickly pulled my underwear back up before standing and pulling my jeans up buttoning them. Roman was looking at me with a smirk. I gave him my most deathly glare, "You are the most perverted, egotistical and sadistic man that I have ever met! you have no idea how disgusted I am right now!"

He sat back down in his chair, relaxed, "I'm pretty sure you were enjoying it as much as I was",

"you asshole! you controlled me, you took away my free will, I am also a 17 year old girl with constantly changing hormones. I hear you didn't always used to be this cruel, I wonder what your best friends would say if they could see you now". I instantly regretted saying that when the look in his eye darkened and not in a good way.

Before I could even react, my back was slammed against the wall, Romans face in mine and his hand around my throat. "DO NOT EVER MENTION THEM AGAIN DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?" he pulled me slightly and slammed me against the wall again,


I trembled uncontrollably. Ugh I can feel the nervous poos coming, keep it together Alex, you don't need to be embarrassed anymore that you already are. I nodded in understanding and hung my head trying to regulate my panicked breathing.

"Take the tray and fuck off" he walked away from me towards his desk, his shoulders tense from anger, "damn Lisa can't keep her fucking mouth shut" I heard him mutter to himself.

Pulling myself out of shock, I shoved my cardigan back on and quickly made my way over to where the tray had been thrown to the floor, which unfortunately was right next to where Roman was crouched down picking up his paperwork. I bent down and picked it up without looking at him before practically running out of the door. I turned left and ran into something. I looked up to see a woman. Her hair was as red as fire, her lips; blood red. Her skin was so perfect and clear. Her 6 inch heels made her tower above me. Her skin tight jumpsuit practically made her breasts spill out in front of my face. Even though her entire exterior intimidated me, it was her eyes that truly scared me. Black orbs darted between me and Romans office door before her nose flared as she tipped her head towards me.  

"Who the fuck are you?!" I stumbled back in fright "A-Alex"

"Well, Alex, you stay the fuck away from Roman, he's mine do you understand me. And if I smell your excitement again, I will rip your fucking head off". 

"Is that what this is about? you can fucking have him. As much as I hate to say this, I'm his slave not his slut" I looked her up and down and walked around her before making my way back to the kitchen. Where did that come from? I was literally trembling because of her and the next I'm calling her a slut. I always said my big mouth would be the death of me. If I keep this up, it's going to be very soon.

I heard her growl before a door opened. "Vanessa, you need not worry about her. I was just teasing her." Romans voice sounded calm unlike before. that was teasing me? what in the world is he gonna do when he isn't teasing me? I slightly turned my head to look back and he was guiding Vanessa into his office by her ass but he was looking at me with a glint in his eye. He is so bipolar, one second he's screaming at me, the next he's being seductive. I whipped my head back again in disgust and carried on walking back to the kitchen. when I finally made my way back, I walked in to find Lana and her mother washing up the last couple of dishes before putting them away. 

"There you are, what took you so long?" Lisa asked. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything and just took the tray to the sink which still had some warm water in and began washing up. I heard a sigh and looked up to see Lisa looking at my neck. 

"You poor girl" she turned around and began rummaging in a cupboard. I reached my fingers to my neck and hissed in pain as I touched the two holes created by Romans fangs. I had forgot about those. Lisa came over to me with a first aid box and got out a couple of bits. she poured some liquid onto a cotton ball and dabbed at my neck. I hissed again as it stung. 

"That man should not be treating people this way. And this god awful collar he's put on you, I'm so disappointed in what he's become" Lisa frowned as she dabbed at my neck. She then opened two small, circular plasters almost the same colour of my skin and applied each on onto a hole. I became curious, if she knew why he's like this then she probably knew his friends. 

"Did you know his friends, the ones who died?" she shot a frown to Lana, "You know the king doesn't like when people know his personal business" 

"But mum, he's treating her worse more quickly than the others. Alex has more right to know. Not that his actions are justifiable but at least we know where his behaviour started from" Lana defended herself.  Lisa sighed and nodded before turning to me. why am I being treated worse? what the hell did I do to him?  I was going to ask why but Lisa had already started speaking before I could.

"Yes, I knew them. They were such nice people individually. Together, they were such a great couple, even I was envious of the love they had for each other. What happened to them was outrageous and that poor baby" she stopped and turned away from us. "I pray everyday for that little girl" she whispered.

"Wait, what baby?" she quickly wiped her face and turned back to us.

"No, no I've said too much. You mustn't say anything to him, he will not be happy. Lana, go take Alex and help her get settled in. Until the king says something, she can stay in your room. I will ask him if someone can escort you to go out and get some clothes. Don't worry about money, I will handle it". 

And with that, Lana took me off to a different part of the house and started to explain things to me. Unless told otherwise, I am to do the daily chores which include; cleaning the guest rooms and my "Masters" of course. She told me to only clean the guest rooms and to stay away from the warriors quarters, the male servants clean those and to stay away from warriors when possible. Apparently some of them aren't very friendly. I am also to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner to everyone living in the mansion ,  Lunch is done Monday-Friday since the servants get a little break on the weekend. I see Roman isn't completely heartless. 

This place was huge, there were roughly 50 guest bedrooms that were separated between 4 maids, 5 now including me and each had its own private bathroom. Some were simple but others were extravagant. I can't recall the details, my mind was too busy thinking about wanting a shower. I wanted to scrub his hands and his lips off of me so bad. I am so disgusted with myself.

After finally finishing the rooms we were appointed, the cleaning of clothes and bed sheets, dusting and serving dinner; luckily Roman decided to stay in his office and decline dinner for some reason but I was happy I didn't have to see him. Lana and I went back to her room to go to bed and I finally got the shower I wanted. I scrubbed my skin raw then dried myself before putting on a pair of shorts and t shirt that Lana gave me. 

Settling into bed with Lana, she set an alarm for us to get up at 6 o clock. specifically for me so I can Romans breakfast. I grimaced when I remembered that. I can not believe this is my life now. no, this is my life for the time being. I will escape and find my way back to my parents. god my parents, I bet they're worried sick about me. I have to find my way to them, i miss them so much. a lone tear escaped my eye before I closed them and prepared myself for tomorrow. 

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