Chapter Seven

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Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Be-

Ah finally, that damn alarm was doing my head in. I managed to peel my eyes open when I felt the bed move and I saw Lana getting out of bed before doing a quick stretch. 

"Come on Alex, it's 6 o'clock, we've got work to do" she said before pulling the bed covers off of me, exposing me to the chilliness of the room. I groaned before reluctantly pulling myself out of bed and rubbing my eyes, letting them getting used to the light coming through the windows. A towel was placed next to me, "Here, you can shower first, you're on a tighter leash than I am because of Roman. I'll find some of my clothes for you and then I'll give you directions to Romans bedroom. He likes breakfast in bed". 

I nodded yes whilst giving a yawn and made my way to the bathroom. I striped down and let the hot water run over me for a minute or so before getting to washing my body. I'd washed my hair the night before so I focused on my body. I heard a knock on the door after a while. "Your clothes are just outside the door and there's a spare toothbrush in the drawer by the sink, you've got 20 minutes before you've gotta start breakfast" Lana called through the door, I shouted back an Ok in response before rinsing off my body and stepping out of the shower. I rubbed myself down with the towel before letting the rest of me air dry whilst I brushed my hair and found the toothbrush Lana said about. When I was finished with that, I pulled the door open slightly and saw the pile of clothes that were left for me, grabbing them I made my way back into the bathroom and inspected my outfit of the day. Just some black jeans, a red cami top, thin black jumper and converses and then just a plain matching underwear set. Honestly thank god that Lana is the same size as me, I don't know what I would have done otherwise. 

Coming out of the bathroom I saw Lana writing something down before coming to hand it to me. "These are the directions to Romans bedroom from the kitchen. Its not that hard to find so you should be fine. His rooms got a fancy R on it so you can't really miss it" I nodded putting the directions into my back pocket. "Ok cool thank you. thanks the clothes again, I'm hoping I'll be able to get some of my own soon" I chuckled before making my way to the door and heading down to the kitchen. Lisa was already there, setting everything up ready for the rest of the girls to come down and get to work. "Morning darling, right so for the kings breakfast, you'll need bacon, tinned tomatoes, eggs, beans, hash browns, mushrooms and toast. Along with his AB positive blood. I trust you are able to cook without my help?" Lisa asked as she started grabbing everything that I needed. 

"Yes I should be fine, thank you though" I smiled as I went to wash my hands ready to cook, not that he deserves cleanliness but alas my mum raised me not to be a grot. Turning the stove on ready, I grabbed a pan to start cooking the bacon and a separate one to cook the eggs. Lisa had mentioned that she was cooking hash browns for everyone else so I could just use those. Luckily the kitchen was huge, filled with multiple fridges and ovens and what not so we didn't get in each others way. Concentrating on what I was doing, I didn't realise what Lisa had made until a plate was placed down next to me. A bacon sandwich with 2 hash browns on the side. Mmmmm. I do love a good bacon sandwich. "Oh thank you so much, you didn't have to" I grabbed the sandwich and moaned as I took a bite. "Oh its no bother, we don't get a lot of time during the week to get ourselves some breakfast" she chuckled when she heard how much I was enjoying my food. I continued cooking with my other hand as I ate my breakfast with the other. 10 minutes later I had finished my food as well as finished cooking Romans. Thanking Lisa again for the food, I took the tray of food and blood and started to follow the directions that Lana had written down for me. 

Honestly this place was huge. I'm definitely going to get lost one day but I'm hoping to have escaped before that happens and finally make my way back home. If I can find home that is. I don't actually know what country I'm in. Everyone I've met so far has had different accents. I need to be careful though. I can't escape during the day there's too many people and Roman is a king, it's likely he'd have guards at night. But for now, I just need to act normal and do what I need to do so I don't attract any suspicion. Making my way up the stairs and down a few hallways, I eventually find myself outside of huge dark oak double doors with a large fancy R in the middle. Bit much don't you think? I took a deep breath and sighed, getting myself ready to knock on the door and see the bastard that bought me. Balancing the tray on one arm I knocked the door and immediately heard a "come in". 

Walking in, I see Roman sitting up in bed tapping away on his phone not bothering to even look up and acknowledge me. I moved my eyes away when I noticed he didn't have a top on and I could see every defined muscle of his upper body and cleared my throat. Goddamn you infernal teenager hormones. Roman finally tore his eyes away from his phone and saw that it was I who had walked in. "7 o'clock on the dot. Damn I was hoping you'd be late, I'd have loved to give that plump ass a good spanking" I scoffed and glared at him, how dare he speak to me like that. "Would you rather eat your breakfast or wear it because I can guarantee you'll be wearing it if you continue to talk to me like that" 

He sat back and raised his eyebrows at me "And if you continue to talk to me like that, I'll be eating you, do you understand? Now if you'll please" he patted his lap indicating me to place the tray on his lap. I rolled my eyes before storming over and placed the tray down before going to leave. "Not quite yet pet. Open the curtains and the doors, it's a bit stuffy in here" 

I growled lowly before turning around, "Open the damn doors yourself, you're capable enough to do it" Romans eyes turned red and I saw his fangs start to poke out from our his lips, "Pet, I suggest you do as you're told unless you would like to take a visit to the dungeons" I crossed my arms and stood my ground as I glared at him. That's when he started to make a move to get out of bed and the look in his eyes actually made me shiver and I growled once more in defeat before making my way over to the curtains before pulling them back to reveal double glass doors. But what I saw outside made me gasp in surprise. I turned the handles and swung the doors open before taking small steps outside. There was a marble balcony with a chair and table off to the side but that's not what amazed me. The mansion was on top of a cliff and his balcony looked over an ocean, the water looked clear blue and the sun was in the middle of rising.

 We seemed to be in an alcove, land stretched our to both side, moving move into the ocean but I could see beaches yet no signs of life, people or even shops. How bizarre. I could see mountains off to one side of me and a forest off the other side of me. Wow but I mean where the heck are we. Below I could hear the water crashing. I just peaked over the edge to see water below crashing softly against the wall of rock holding us up. The water sounded so calming. I was just inhaling the fresh air, my lungs engulfing the saltiness of the ocean when all of a sudden I felt an immense force on my back and my upper body went flying over the edge. my fingers gripped at nothing as I felt my entire body go over the edge and I felt a scream begin to build with in ready to be let free until I came to a holt in mid air, my body dangling over the ocean. I looked up and I see Romans smirking face over the edge, his hand gripping my ankle keeping me from plunging to my death. 

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" My heart pounded, my eyes were on the verge of tears as my breathing was staggered. "Now either you agree to do as I say and call me master, don't think I didn't notice you not calling me that or I drop you here right now and your body get lost to sea. What's it going to be?" Oh if I could spit at him, I would. "YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE PSYCHOPATH, GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I roared at him and yet again I felt my body become weightless and the ocean became just a few inches closer before I'm caught again. I can't die, there's so much I want to do. So much I need to do like escaping and seeing my parents again. "Ok, ok fine but please just bring me back up!"

 A few moments passed as if he was waiting for something, I looked at him and he had an eyebrow raised, "Please what?" I sighed and dropped my head before taking a deep breath, preparing myself to say the words. I looked at Roman in the eyes and said what he wanted to hear, "Please bring me back up, Master" he grinned as I felt myself being pulled back up before being grabbed by the waist and hoofed back onto solid ground, my chest pressed against his. 

"See, now that wasn't so hard was it?" His eyes gleamed with mischief. I wiped my eyes from the tears and got my breathing back under control. "Can I just go back to doing my jobs please?" I looked at him as he tilted his head and huffed before adding Master onto the end of my sentence. "No, you can clean my bathroom and tidy my bedroom whilst I finish my breakfast and then you may leave" he turned his back and walked back into his room, assuming I'd follow. "Of course, Master" I gritted my teeth as I made my way in and got to work. 

I'm SO sorry guys that this update took so long, 2 years to be exact I know but I haven't stopped thinking about what I could do with my story and I thought now, with the Coronavirus quarantine, I could finally put those words onto virtual paper. I promise the next chapter wont take another 2 years ;)

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