Chapter Nine

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Romans POV

That damn girl. I swear she is going to get the spanking of a lifetime when I find her. I was happy and relaxed doing paperwork in my office when one of my warriors comes barging in saying Alex had escaped into the forest on the way into town. Such a foolish girl, I don't know who'll do more damage; me or the one of the creatures that resides in those forests. There is a certain part that works differently to the rest. It becomes night time more quickly than anywhere else. Day time is when it's most safest. To be honest, I'm not a fan of that place in the dark. Venenum demons are just pure ugly and a bitch to deal with. I'll never admit this to anyone but I hope she's no where near that part of the forest. 

Grabbing a few of my warriors, we ran down the road as it would be a lot quicker than driving and we'd get a better whiff on Alex on our way down. A minute or so and we had reached the vehicle the girls had left in. 

"My King, I'm so sorry. I tried to run after her but she was incredibly fast, she just disappeared. I couldn't find her anywhere. I don't know how deep she went and it'll already be dark in Venenum territory. I would have called sooner but I couldn't get any signal" Lana rambled, she looked completely shaken up. I just put my hand up to silence her and ordered my men to search the forest. Everyone spread out and we kept our eyes and ears peeled for any sound or sort of movement.

After a few minutes of searching, I heard a rustling and it was getting nearer and nearer until I see a bling of white appear from behind a large tree. A unicorn stood in front of us, its horn covered in a black substance and on it's back laid my naughty slave. Alexandria. I ran over and I saw she was barely conscious. 

"She was attacked by a venenum demon. I killed it but I'm afraid I was too late. It had already injected her" Unicorns were able to communicate telepathically. I lifted Alex's head up and her breathing was staggered and black lines had already began to cover her body. I could see them climbing up her neck and onto her face. The poison was spreading. If we didn't hurry, the poison would either kill her or turn her. 

"Thank you for bringing her back" I nodded my thanks before carefully lifting Alex off his back and into my arms, noting her broken leg. 

"Somebody go and get the doctor!" I shouted my command and we all whooshed back up to my palace. I had my own wing as a makeshift hospital, for wounded warriors or for my workers. Placing Alex onto a clean bed, I surveyed her and her skin was hot to touch and sweating profusely. Not a moment later a few of my warriors and the doctor rushed in "What happened?"

"Venenum demon attacked her and the poisons spreading fast. Help her now!" She sped round and pulled a small flashlight out and checked Alex's eyes. They were beginning to turn yellow. A few minutes and she'll become one of them. 

"She's already turning, the medication I have wont work fast enough. The only solution would be for your vampires to suck out enough venom for the medication to be able to take affect. it'll do no harm to you but as long as your men can stop in time as I'm aware she is a rare blood type and I don't think I have enough to give her a transfusion" 

Grunting started to sound from Alex before her whole body started to convulse. I could hear her bones and muscles moving to accommodate the shape of the demon. Shit, its now or never. 

I ordered my men around Alex, each of us restraining her to keep her still. Finding a bit of smooth skin to sink my fangs into, I went to bite down but an unknown force had launched us all back, into the walls or other hospital beds. I looked up to see Alex floating a little above the bed and blue flames seem to surround her, moving around her. Her body was convulsing more and her back bowed as she let out a ear shattering scream. Her limbs looking like they want to snap and move into another shape but something was stopping them. The flame grew brighter and hotter and I couldn't get anywhere near her. 

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