Chapter Five

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WARNING- sexual content!

Still in shock about what had just happened, I didn't notice Roman had pulled away until I was lifted into a sitting position on his desk. A large hand slid its way into my hair before grabbing it slightly and tilting my head to look up into the lightest blue eyes I've even seen. I wanted to get away from him, I wanted to punch him in the face for violating me like that but yet my body would not comply. That same feeling, the one that had me compelled to do what he wanted still had it's hold over me. I shouldn't have enjoyed what occurred but it's like my mind isn't my own now. Everything I was feeling, the lust, the calmness, it's all the exact opposite the normal me would be feeling.

looking into his eyes, I saw desire, satisfaction but also curiosity. "Your blood, it's the sweetest I have ever had and I've been alive a long time. It's breathtaking" his voice was so low, so seductive, the pull on me made me gravitate towards him. My movement caused him to grab my hips and pull me all the way to the edge of the desk, him firmly between my thighs. Slowly, his slid my hands down my thighs all the way to the back of my knees before guiding them around his waist. He's cold to the touch but his hands felt like fire on my body. Still looking into my eyes, his filled with lust, his hands moved again, one towards the small of my back, the other wound back into my hair.

Soft lips found mine for the second time today. He wasted no time this round. No build up, no passion, just pure animalistic urges. His fingers pulled my hair, wrapping it tighter in his hand. I tightened my legs around him, pulling him harder against me. The desk was high enough so I was able to ground my core against his rock solid bulge. My fingers clung to his wide shoulders, digging my nails in. I wanted to feel his entire exterior, I wanted to lick and bite at the Adonis torso I could feel pressed against my front. Growls emanated from that spot, making it's way all the way up to where his mouth was ravishing my own. Sharp teeth nipped at my lips, pricking them slightly causing me to gasp, giving Roman a chance to plunge his hot tongue into my mouth, tangling itself with mine. I rocked myself against him even harder, whimpering at the pleasure it was causing me.

"That's it, you asked for it" Roman pulled away and growled. I didn't even have a chance to comprehend what happened next until it was already happening. My cardigan was ripped off of me as well as my cami top. Hot, rough kisses spread down my neck ending up at the top of my breasts. His teeth, his tongue, his lips attacked the tops of my breasts, quickly leaving red marks. I was so over come with pleasure, want and need. I failed to notice the buttons of my jeans had been undone, I'd only realised when I felt cold fingers at the hem of my knickers. I froze for a split second, looking up into his eyes, he was looking back at me with a mischievous look and a smirk to go with it. I was about to open my mouth, questioning why this is happening but all that came out was a moan of pleasure. Before I could get a word out, Roman had shot his hand into my knickers finding my cl!t instantly.  He kept me close to him with his hand around the back of my neck, his other one massaging my cl!t, a finger tracing my opening. I have never felt this kind of pleasure before, sure I've been touched down there before but no where as good as this. I threw my head back in ecstasy, moaning every time he rubbed in a full circle because waves of pleasure shot through me when certain spot was touched and since his movements were getting faster, I couldn't take a breath in before I was moaning again.

Roman shoved my head back so he could look me in the eyes, "You like that huh? Well, you haven't felt anything yet" his voice was so low, so rough but my god, it was so fucking sexy, Id given myself to him right there and then. The attacks on my cl!t were getting harder and much more faster and before long something fucking amazing started to build up within me. I clung to him then, wrapping a hand up in his hair, "AH, YES, FUCK YES" I was so close, so close to coming to a release when nothing happened. The bastard had stopped his attack, grinning at me, he told me to calm down,"Shh, all good things come to those that wait". I was about to say a snarky comment when he started to move his hand again, this time, he ignored my aching cl!t and went straight to circling and teasing my opening. " Fuck me, you are soaking" he rubbed me slowly again before bringing his fingers out and up to his mouth, licking up my arousal. I found it so hot the way he was looking at me whilst he was doing it.

"God, I don't know which is sweeter, your p*ssy juice or your blood" straight afterwards, his hand plunged back in and began pushing against my opening, slowly putting part of a finger inside of me. He did this a couple of times whilst smirking at me. I couldn't take it any longer and pushed my core into him, trying to get more of his finger. He looked at me darkly and before I knew it, he'd shoved his whole finger inside of me, catching me off guard making me throw my head back and cry with pleasure. He pumped his finger in and out of me curling it slightly, getting faster and faster. It wasn't long before I felt another finger try to enter me. This time hurt a bit, stinging every time he tried to go in further. His movements got faster until I felt the whole length of his fingers go inside and a shocking pain radiated in my nether regions. I hissed in pain, "Fuck, what the hell was that?"

"That was your hymen breaking, I got a bit excited, sorry" but from the look on his face, he wasn't sorry at all. Yet again, before I could say something, pleasure over took me. A thumb was massaging my swollen cl!t as two fingers penetrated me at an alarming pace. I curled my fingers into his hair, screaming in pleasure I've never felt before. Just like before, an indescribable feeling began to build up, stronger this time. I could feel it intensifying. My screams got higher in pitch the closer I got to my release, my eyes rolled back just as I was about to go over the edge but AGAIN nothing happened. Roman had pulled his hand away. I growled in frustration. "AH, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" he completely ignored me and preceded to pull me off the desk and spin me around. My jeans and knickers were shoved down to my ankles before I was forced to bend over the desk. Fingers thrusted back inside me causing me to cry out in pleasure and in shock. I felt a large body lean down on my back, lips at my ear. "This is how I'm going to take you when you beg me to fuck your pretty little brains out, it won't be today though, I still need you to work the rest of the day" his words and low voice made me whimper with want. 

His body left mine and I felt hands on either side of my ass before I felt warm wetness on my core. I jumped at the feeling but also moaned. Romans hands tightened around my ass as his tongue licked the length of me. He wasted no time in pleasuring me, he sucked my cl!t into his mouth hard, teeth biting down on it slightly. I screamed and clawed my nails against the desk from the sensation. Over and over again, he switched between licking and thrusting his tongue inside of me and biting and sucking my cl!t. It made me go crazy, pushing back into his face, wanting more.

"Faster, ah please. RIGHT THERE, FUCK YES!"  Soon, that same feeling was back, ten fold this time. My back arched, my head thrown back, my legs shook. It was taking over me and I begged for it to consume me. "Please, I need- please" I begged for my release. I guess third time lucky. I screamed louder feeling my release approaching, getting closer and closer when finally it hit me like a ton of bricks.

"AH YES! FUUUUUUUUUCK!" fingers thrusted in me, letting me ride the wave just a little bit longer. When I finally came down, Roman pulled me back up and I slumped against him, trying to catch my breath.

"You are so sexy and you taste so sweet. But you what the best thing about that was?" I waited for his response. He bent to me ear and whispered huskily,

"I stopped compelling you when I kissed you for the second time" My eyes widened at his words. That means all of that was actually me, that wasn't him controlling me.


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