Chapter Thirteen

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I awoke to my body being shaken and my name being called. I recognised the voice as Romans. I had no idea how long I'd slept or even what the time was, all I knew was that my body was on fire. My muscles felt like they were constantly going into spasm. My breathing was laboured. I could feel the sweat excreting out of every pore on my body.

I couldn't help the whimpers that escaped from me as I felt my jaw and fingertips throb as though something was trying to push through. I threw the bed covers off of me as my skin burned with the fabric rubbing against it.

"Alex, you're burning up, we need to cool you down"

I heard what Roman said but it was slightly muffled by the sound of my blood rushing and my heart pumping.
I stumbled out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom so I could try to cool down. Roman tried to help guide me but even him just grazing my skin sent it ablaze and I cried out in anguish.

Knowing that his touch caused me pain made him flinch back. Roman then kept his distance but still held out his hands incase I needed him to catch my fall. Finally at the bathroom, I grabbed a flannel from a shelf so I could rinse it under cold water. I lifted the handle of the tap and the next thing I knew water had erupted up, showering me and the bathroom.
In my hand sat the tap that I, from the looks of it, seemed to have ripped off without even meaning to.

What the hell? I only lifted it.

Roman grabbed a towel to try and cover the fountain of water before it flooded the bathroom.

"Get in the shower and cool off there whilst I turn this off" Roman opened up the cupboard beneath the sink and started to twist something and eventually the water stopped
My skin was still searing and sweat was still pouring off of me. I went to the shower and pulled open the sliding door, obviously a little too hard as glass suddenly shattered everywhere and I jumped back to avoid being cut but the floor was slippery from the exploding tap and it sent me flying to the ground.

I tried to catch myself on the sink counter but my luck just kept getting worse as my arm broke through the counter, ceramic crashing to the floor as did I. What the actual fuck!

"Stop breaking my bathroom!" Roman exclaimed obviously mortified at the damage that I had caused in such a short amount of time. I decided to just lay there, my arms folded into myself so I didn't break anything else. Even after all the devastation, it wasn't enough to distract me from my suffering. The tiles coldness helped slightly but no where near what I needed it to.

I heard Roman mutter a "fuck it" before I'm being picked up, my legs being wrapped around his waist. I cried out as my skin came into contact with him. I heard the crunch of glass before ice cold water cascaded down over me. I instantly sighed in relief and allowed my body to relax. As much as it could anyway with my muscles still contracting but at least I was able to see and think clearly now that it doesn't feel like my blood is being boiled.

I looked to see that we were standing in the shower. The glass from the door missing. I looked down to see half of the glass had landed on the shower floor and Roman was currently standing on it in bare feet, blood flowed in light streaks from under his feet the drain.

I gasped as I realised that he knew I needed the water and in so decided to hold me so I wouldn't cut my feet on the glass.
"Roman, put me down. Your feet-" I was cut off.
"My feet will heal, you were burning up to the point that you couldn't handle me touching you. You needed to cool down"

I did feel better, at least my skin was. My muscles started to slowly relax and I slumped against Roman, allowing my head to lay on his shoulder.
My jaw and fingertips though were still throbbing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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