Chapter Two

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My eyes fluttered open to a complete blur. Everything was hazy and disfigured. I kept blinking to clear the blurriness but it was still a couple of minutes before everything was back to normal and I could see where in the hell I was. I sat up slowly from my lying position, cringing whenever my bones ached. I immediately began to shake, coldness seeped through my thin hospital gown from the concrete floor.

I leaned against the wall behind me, used my gown to cover my blue tinted legs and went on to survey my surroundings. The first thing that I noticed was the smell; blood, sweat and just complete shit. I roughly coughed as the smell overpowered my nose, it's scent slightly suffocating me. The next thing I noticed is that I was in a cage, like the ones dogs are in at the pound, but smaller. If I stretched out my legs, my feet would touch the gate that is blocking my escape.

I looked around to see dozens of more cages and each and every one of them was filled with a girl or a boy, the ages ranging from what looked like 10 to 20. Sobs and pleas for help ravaged the room. A girl was in a cage on my left, she looked to be about 15, her hair was matted, spots of blood could be found within the knots, her lips were crusty and broken, black, blue and green bruises covered her arms and the side of her face. She was leant against the wall behind her, her eyes closed. I watched her chest for movement and there barely was any. Oh my god. What the hell is going on here? Why are we all here?

Suddenly, a squeak followed by a bang sounded from the other side of the room. I pushed my face against the metal bars of the gate to see what was happening; I saw two burly men, one with brown hair and the other with blonde hair, both tall and both very muscular walk in through the doorway.

"Right, ladies and Gentleman, who's ready to be sold?"

Shouts of help and pleas for mercy erupted; even louder than before. One of the men shouted for everyone to shut it, but when nothing happened, I see them both put on headphones and the brown haired one, slammed his fist on a big green button on the wall next to him.

I instantly covered my ears as a high pitched sound reverberated though out the whole room. I curled into a ball and plugged my ears as hard as I could to block out the sound, screaming in pain. After a few seconds, the sound fortunately stopped and I could finally think again, and the first thing I thought of was what the blonde said when they walked in;

'Who's ready to be sold?'  SOLD.
So, me being me, I jumped up from my curled position and pressed myself against the bars of the gate.

"Who the fuck are you people? What do you think you're doing, doing this to us, selling us? What makes you think you have the right-"

WIthin a blink of an eye, the brown haired one, was right in front of me, and his hand was wrapped around my throat, my feet dangling off the floor.

The oxygen was cut off but the one thing that terrified me more was the man himself. His irises were blood red and as he bared his teeth at me, two very prominent fangs protruded out. This can't be real, I have to be dreaming, please wake up, please wake up.

"Listen, you little bitch, I know you're new, so learn quickly, if you ever speak to a vampire like that again, they won't think twice about ripping your god forsaken heart out. The only reason, that I'm letting you live, is because if I kill you, its my head that will be the price. But that doesn't mean, I cant have some fun"
He grinned at me, as his tongue flicked across his fangs.

My eyes widened in fear, which made him grin more. he loosened his grasp on my throat and I fell to the floor, coughing and wheezing, but the man didn't leave me there. I heard the squeak of the door open and I scooted myself as far back as I could, which wasn't very far and didn't help at all, as all he did was take one step in, grabbed my ankle and yanked me out into the open. I yelped in pain as my skin skidded across the concrete. I tried grasping the metal of the cage to pull myself away, but the man grabbed my waist, yanked me up, then threw me over his shoulder.

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