Chapter Three

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I'd been up for maybe an hour now, chained to a bed in a small room with only a little dresser and one door, no window and no decoration what so ever. It smelt horrible and the walls were covered in green damp patches. My neck was killing me and I'd been feeling slightly light headed for the whole time I'd been up. I shouted for help but shouting just gave me a headache.

I was slightly shivering as I was still in the baby doll dress I was given and I had no cover; only the mattress which was slightly itchy and I could feel the springs digging into my back. My stomach rumbled and I was reminded of the last time I ate; maybe a day ago or so, hospital burger and chips. I could do with a burger right now. Burger Kings double whopper. My mouth salivates from the thought of it, ugh, I shouldn't be doing this, I'm just torturing myself.

Oh why did I have to start a fight, if I had kept my saliva to myself, I wouldn't have ended up in hospital, instead I would have been in my safe, locked house, where no one could just walk in unlike a hospital, but who knows if my locked house would've helped. They are vampires after all. God, vampires exist, of course I've imagined what would happen if I ever met one. They would be mysterious and mouth watering hot, and would be possessive of me and want to protect me but no; I got kidnapped by one, I was tortured and sexually assaulted by two others and I've been brought by one, who of which put a damn dog collar on me. Which comes to think of it, I couldn't feel the roughness of the collar.

I missed my parents, they'd be going out of their minds once they found out that I'd gone missing. I had no idea where in the world I was. I was so scared, I didn't want to be kept prisoner, I didn't want to be anyone's slave, what if I was killed? I didn't want to die. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't keep my sobs in.

I was crying for countless minutes before a faint growling sounded from the door a second before it sprung open, the wood splintering off of the hinges. I whipped my head to the side to protect my face before I slowly turned back to see who was there. A silhouette stood there with his back slightly hunched, fists clenched and heavy breathing emanated from him.

"Will you, for the love of god, stop your incessant crying!" his voice boomed with anger and power.

I tried to cower back when he came storming towards me, but the chains prevented me from doing that. My heart pounded faster as he came closer, I was on the verge of hyperventilating right as he grabbed my throat and my breathing ceased immediately. He glared at me before focusing on my neck and gently trailing his fingertip down the length of it,

"Well, now that you're awake, I might as well have breakfast"
He grasped a fist full of my hair, yanked back and sharp fangs sank into my porcelain flesh. My already penetrated skin was burning with the yet again intrusion of his fangs. My screams were ceased when he curled his fingers around my throat and squeezed, cutting off the oxygen. What is it with these damn vampires and cutting off my oxygen supply.

My vision started to go black, my body became weaker, I thought that this was the moment that I'd die, until the pressure from my neck was released and I was able to breath again. As I lay there panting, I felt my head being turned around as if he was inspecting my face.

"Mmmmm, you're a bit pale, damn, I took too much. Come on then, lets get you fed. Don't want you dying just yet, I paid a lot of money for you"

I didn't have a clue what was going on, my head felt so dizzy, it only intensified when I felt myself being picked up bridal style. My head flopped backwards as my body went limp in his arms. I had no strength to lift my head even the slightest. We begun to move out of the room and down a hallway that had red walls and black floorboards.

We hadn't travelled far, 10 feet maybe, before we entered another room. It was getting harder to stay awake, my head was far too heavy and dizzy, the blood loss made me extremely tired. I found myself being set down on something cold, my head flopped to the side and I saw that I was on a black leather sofa.

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