unknown feelings and jealousy

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Chapter 2

Sorry, I forgot to add this in the first chapter So it's from Felix's point-of-view of view and it's going to show you what he saw of Marinette.

Felix pov:

Felix was starting to feel irrationally angry that she was so obviously gushing over Adrien while talking to him.
But why did he care so much? There was literally nothing outstanding about her except that she seemed to be immune to his charms. He was becoming very irritated with this Marinette and the burning she was causing to bubble up in his chest like hot lava. What the hell was this feeling? Was it just poorly timed heartburn or acid reflux? That didn't make any sense, he'd been sticking to his wholesome, healthy diet flawlessly.
Obviously, it was something else, and Felix had the strange feeling that if he could get this girl to obsess over him like everyone else, then his intrigue in her would wane.

And he wanted nothing more than to stop this awful burning in his chest. With that, he decided he needed to win her affections.

It should be simple enough. He'd never met a girl that could resist him before. He highly doubted this one would prove to be an exception.

Felix became lost in thought. How could he win her affections while she was so thoroughly absorbed with Adrien? And why did he feel like he needed to steal this girl away from his cousin? It was apparent now that Adrien was attracted to her, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself. It disarmed him slightly to realize he didn't care. He just knew he needed to be admired by all the girls of Paris. He would make her fall hard for him. He had yet to meet a girl that could resist his charms, and this one would be no exception.

No one's pov:

It had been a few weeks since their introduction. Felix smirked at her a few more times but otherwise kept up his cold and distant act. He told himself he would not be won over. Not when she brought him lemon cupcakes. Not when he glanced out the corner of his eye towards her, bent over and sketching fervently, eyeing the intricate and well-crafted design unfolding on the pages before her. Not when she smiled at him, certainly not then. It was all a ruse, he told himself, despite their initial encounter. One of these days, she expected him to crack, and when he did, she'd be there to take advantage of it. At least, that's what he believed. So he pretended to be unbothered each time she cracked a grin his way, never as harsh as that first day but never more than polite. It was fine. He was fine. It didn't bother him.

Until the day came that she didn't smile at him. That, oh. That bothered him.

He didn't want to ask for fear of coming across like he cared. As if. But he had to wonder what was going on since she smiled at him every day without fail. Maybe she was just having a bad day. Maybe she didn't get enough sleep last night. Maybe she finally grew tired of his distance and gave up. Maybe she-

"Hey, Felix? You okay?" The soft voice from the seat next to him shook him from his thoughts.


"It's just, you look a little stressed. Is everything okay?"

He couldn't help himself; his mouth gaped for a moment before he promptly shut it. "You're asking me... if everything is okay."

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