The wedding night

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Chapter 38

Okay I will warn you both Felix and Marinette are virgins they made a deal. They would do it together when they are married so please don't be confused about anything yes they made out yesterday big things with each other but they never went further then that.But I will warn you that there will sexual activity in this chapter so you feel uncomfortable please don't read.

The wedding was over, and Marinette and Felix were now husband and wife. It had all happened so suddenly but despite their very brief interactions with each other, both of them had never been more certain that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives. Something told them both that it was going to work. It had to.

Being a virgin, Marinette had never experienced anything with a man, so marriage was going to be an eye-opener for her in so many ways. Her husband would have to help her through and be patient with her, but despite not having any sexual experience, Marinette wasn't nervous. There was something about Felix which told her he would look after her, even if at any point she did become scared.

Felix on the other hand was terrified. He knew he was supposed to be the experienced, confident person in the relationship but he was so scared of hurting his new, treasured, fragile wife, physically or emotionally. He knew he had to try and hide his feelings, but it wasn't going to be easy.

Their wedding night came around quickly; neither of them could barely even remember the ceremony or the reception afterwards, despite having such a good time with all the people closest to them. The whole day was a blur but all both of them knew was that it had been incredibly special.

Both of them had changed into easier clothes as the train on Marinette's white dress wasn't exactly practical for a party. She was now elegantly dressed in a lavender skirt suit, while Felix wore a white shirt and black trousers. Reaching for her hand he looked into her eyes with trust, which relaxed her into a smile back at him. After exchanging goodbyes with everyone, it was time to leave.

The journey home seemed longer than usual and neither of them spoke, but that was only because nerves were now getting the better of both of them. Marinette wasn't scared at all, but she had those niggling butterflies in her stomach that just wouldn't go away.

What their house looks like :

Pulling up outside their new home, Felix got out of the car first and then helped out his wife

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Pulling up outside their new home, Felix got out of the car first and then helped out his wife. As they approached the front door he unlocked it with his key before turning to his wife and smiling. "I believe this is the moment I carry you over the threshold." Marinette couldn't help but laugh softly and as he held out his hand to her, she took it, taking a step towards him. Within moments he had gathered her up into his arms, feeling like she weighed no more than a lonely feather.

His arms seemed to mould so perfectly around her petite frame, making her feel safe and loved. Both of them smiling, he carried her through the door and up the stairs to their shared bedroom. Obviously, until now, the bedroom had been unused and unshared, but tonight, that was going to change.

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