The date part 1

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Chapter 29

Felix wasn’t the kind of person to find himself to be nervous very often, or ever, for that matter. Today seemed to be a different story though. He was incredibly nervous about his date with Marinette and he couldn’t fathom in his mind why this was the case.

He knew she liked him and so that wasn’t a problem. She also expressed her excitement for the whole ordeal and so he shouldn’t be worried about that either. By all accounts, he had nothing to worry about. The boat was ready and Cordelia had already prepared some snacks for him.

Even with all of this knowledge, his heart was still beating out of his chest as he was driving to the Bakery to go pick her up. He glanced down at the clock on the dashboard to check the time even though he was already aware that he was exactly on time. Felix put his car in park and sent a quick text to let her know he had arrived.

Note: Felix has a driver's license knowing that he's from a rich family he's allowed to have that rich people have more privileges

Moments later, he saw Sabine make her way out of the building. “Hi there, Felix.” She said cheerfully. “Marinette will be a moment. Why don’t you come inside and wait for her?”

“Sure.” He said curtly before rolling his window back up and turning the car off, locking the door as he left.

“Great! Follow me.” Sabine said. “Ya know, Mari has been very excited all day.” She spoke as they walked through the building's doors.“It’s like she had been dancing around in anticipation. I’ve never seen her so joyful. Not even when we got her new sewing machine.”

“Really?” Felix asked as they stepped inside the elevators.

So, his Angel was excited for the date? He found himself pleased at this news. It was nice to know that he could have such an impact on her just as she had an impact in him.

“I’ve gotta say that this is the most happy I have ever seen you too. Ya don’t smile too often, Felix.”

He hadn’t even realized that he was smiling until Sabine had said something. He had to admit that she was right though. He never smiled that much, at least not before his Angel came around.

“And here we are!” Sabine

“Hello, Felix.” Tom said when he caught Felix’s eye. “Marinette is in her room.” She pointed to a door just to the left of the kitchen. “She should be out soon. Why don’t you have a seat while you wait?” Felix gestured to the couch in front of him.

“Sure.” Felix said as he went to go sit down.

Sabine laughed as she walked over to the door belonging to Marinette. “Mari, Sweetheart!” She yelled after knocking on the door. “Felix’s here”. 

I’ll be out in a sec!” She yelled back. “I’m putting my shoes on now.” It was silent for a second before she spoke again. “Wait, when you say Felix is here, do you mean downstairs waiting for me or here here?”

Sabine laughed again. “He’s here here, Sweetie. He’s on the couch.”

“Really?!” She squeaked loudly as a bit of a ruckus was heard through the door. Seconds later, she came stumbling out her room.

Felix wasn’t sure why, but after seeing her he had to stand up. It was a reflex-like it would be rude to just sit there when she entered the room. She looked purely angelic in his eyes.

She was wearing a baby pink dress, almost white, and it had a bit of a deeper pink, sparse floral pattern throughout. The sleeves were a long mesh and flared out loosely starting from the elbows. The dress was a bit of a V-neck and the skirt stopped a few inches above the ankles with tulle delicately bunched at the bottom. She also wore simple white pumps and her hair loosely hung in soft waves past her shoulders.

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