First day of school and lila's back

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Chapter 12

Author's note: if you're a bit confused with anything is I am skipping a few things because now episode chameleon pass and now things are sour between Marinette and Alya don't worry there will be your date between Marinette and Felix but I wanted to get back to the whole Lila Fiasco.

The scene when Alya and Marinette stop being friends

"You're a fucking hypocrite."

The words tumbled out of Marinette's lips before she could bit her tongue. She couldn't help it! She was absolutely furious at the lack of support from her so-called friends. Her blood simmered at the thought of Alya - the girl who taught her to stand up for herself and the inspiration for Marinette to take the Ladybug mantle - was not only reducing Marinette's righteous anger about Lila's lies to petty jealousy over a boy of all things but was telling her to check her sources.

Yeah, because Alya always checked hers. Didn't she?

Alya jumped back slightly, startled by Marinette's angry retort, but her surprise instantly melted into anger as her eyes sparkled with irritation and her mouth twisted into a wordless snarl.

Nino, however, sunk low into his seat and looked as if he would rather be anywhere else but here.

"I beg your pardon?! " Alya hissed out crossly. "What did you just call me?!"

"You heard me!" Marinette said heatedly as she crossed her arms. "You're a fucking hypocrite! Check your sources Marinette," she mocked "because that's what you did wasn't it? I mean when Lila told you Ladybug saved her life you interviewed around for other witnesses to collaborate her story, checked for a police report to confirm an incident took place and found other footage to back her version of events before you posted your interview, right?!"

Alya said nothing because they both knew the truth that she didn't.

They both knew Alya had no patience whatsoever to verify any sort of fact that she posted on her blog. Everything was live-streamed or immediately posted without hesitation, and hours later Alya might give context in an article to support it but it definitely didn't have any confirmation from the police or Ladybug and Chat Noir or other witnesses.

Alya never checked her sources, she was too busy chasing after the next story or theorizing who Ladybug could be underneath the mask to be bothered with all the fiddly bits of journalism.

"And today you Googled Jagged Stone to verify Lila's claims, did you not?" Marinette carried on. She was unable to stop now that the dam was open and the words were pouring out her mouth like a flood of anger, spite, hurt, and irritation. "I mean you checked that Jagged had other pets than his crocodile and that a song called Lila was in his repertoire or a legal case about him writing a song for - what I can only assume was - a twelve or thirteen year old, right?"

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