framed part 2

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Chapter 14

Lunchtime came and with it the time to execute her plan.

Lila walked towards Felix, confident that this time, he wouldn't be able to brush her off.

He was alone, so no Marinette to spoil her fun either.

"Excuse me?", she asked and gave him her sweetest smile when he turned around. "I think you dropped this."

She held out the expensive-looking pen she'd snatched from his briefcase. Shocked he checked his bag, only to find that it was indeed missing.

"I... I didn't notice." He took it from her with the outmost care, then added "Thank you."

She waved it off.

"Don't mention it. I have quite the collection myself, for calligraphy, and I know how important these can become to you."

Surprise washed over his face, softening his features.

"You do calligraphy?"

He'd taken the bait.

"Oh, just a little.", she said humbly. "A librarian in Saudi Arabia taught me. Their alphabet is so fluent and pretty, it just kind of rubbed off on my handwriting."

He looked a little suspicious, but also intrigued.

"Interesting. I should try learning Arabic, then."

"I can only recommend it. Sadly, I can't do much calligraphy anymore. Ever since I sprained my wrist, my writing has never been the same again."

She took two full seconds to look suffering, before cheering up a little.

"But that's no problem. I can still write poems on my phone."

"You're writing as well?"

"Yes! I just finished one, do you want to see it?"

She pulled him to the bench next to them and showed him her phone, careful to show off the picture of a violin she'd selected for her background. Then she opened her notes app and presented him her poem. Of course, she hadn't written it herself. No, she'd simply taken one of his and changed it here and there until it was unrecognizable, but the general rhythm and atmosphere was the same.

"That's... really good!", Felix admitted slowly, rereading it. "It feels... familiar."

"Oh, you write poetry too?", she asked innocently and he nodded.

"It means a lot to me. As Da Vinci said: Poetry is a painting that is felt rather than seen. My poems are... very important for me."

Lila beamed. She had him hooked, now she only needed to pull him in.

"You should totally accompany me to the Eiffel Tower this Friday! It's the perfect place for gathering inspiration and ideas."

"Uhm, excuse me?", an all too familiar voice interrupted them. Lila sighed deeply.

"What is it, Marinette?"

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