The battle part 2

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Chapter 28

“I’m running out of time!”, he yelled and ducked under a swing of Cathexis’ Morningstar. The Akuma had his chains trained on Ladybug, but he himself only had eyes for his successor. Now that Chatvalier knew Adrien had been Chat Noir, he wondered how he hadn’t seen it before.

“You’re a goddamn rookie!”, Cathexis taunted him, his cackle sounding like grating metal. “This is my replacement?! I would’ve beaten me already if I were you!”

Chatvalier dodged another attack and caught sight of Ladybug. She was fighting off at least a dozen of chains, but he noticed a few of them had turned to him as Cathexis spoke. He can’t multitask, the newly dubbed superhero remembered. The more he focuses on me, the sooner Ladybug gets a chance to use her Lucky Charm.

“Are you insulting me or yourself?”, he mocked Cathexis and swatted a chain away with his baton. Its twin extended to catapult him further back, luring the seething Akuma away from Ladybug.

“Not very heroic to go easy on me!”, he continued his provocations. “Or is that already all you’ve got?”

“I’ll show you what a real hero looks like!”, his opponent snarled, gathering his chains to attack him. For a split second, Ladybug had vanished completely from his mind, and that was all she needed.

“Lucky Charm!”

The flash threw Cathexis off his rhythm and Chatvalier used the opportunity. With a somersault - since when could he even do that?! - he slipped through his defenses and next to his partner.

“What’s the plan?”, he asked her with a nervous glance at his miraculous. Four minutes left!

Ladybug scrutinized the object in her hands with eager eyes. It was a dotted latex glove, as far as he could tell, and the way her panicked gaze darted over the hallway told him she had no idea what to do with it either.

“I can’t see anything useful!”, she said, biting her lip. “How is this supposed to…”

Her eyes widened and fixed on Cathexis chains, who kept a safe distance now that she had her infamous Lucky Charm at hand.

“Metal…”, she whispered, then looked at Chatvalier. “I’ve got an idea! We need to get back to the upper floors.”

“Well, if that’s everything…”

He shrugged and kicked open the door behind them.

“After you, Ladybug.”

Before Cathexis could really grasp that they were running now, they were back on the stairs.

“Hey! We’re not finished yet!”, he yelled after them.

“Care to let me in on your idea?”, Chatvalier ignored the Akuma in pursuit and followed his partner's lead. She threw open the door to the floor of Jagged Stone’s studio, making a beeline for a recording studio further down the corridor.

“There’s an electrical problem in there!”, she informed him excitedly, pulling the glove over her hand. “And his chains are connected to him somehow. Metal is a conductor, we can use that!”

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