The aquarium date

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Chapter 33

A few days later: 

Felix pulled up to Marinette’s apartment right on time and sent her a quick text letting her know he was here. when he saw Marinette come walking out of the building. He quickly got out of the car to open the passenger door for her.

As she approached he took notice of what she was wearing. Like always, she took his breath away. She wore a form-fitting black turtleneck with a brown suede skirt that had brass buttons in a line down the middle of the front. She also wore black boots that went all the way up to her thighs and her hair was in loose waves just past her shoulders.

“Hi, Felix.” She reached up to kiss him on the lips and this broke him out of his trance. “You look great. We almost sort of match.” She giggled. “Black really is your color. Makes your eyes pop.”

Felix had to look down at himself to remember what he was wearing. Like her, he was also wearing a black turtleneck but over the top, he wore a black button-up blazer. On the bottom, he wore simple black dress shoes and black dress pants that matched the blazer. Black was the most predominant color in his wardrobe.

“Thank you, Angel.” He looked back up at her with a smile. “But I think you look beautiful. Did you make this yourself?” He took her hands and held them out away from her body so he could look at her better. He couldn’t find a single flaw.

“Everything but the shoes.” She giggled. “I felt like making something fall-inspired. Paris can get pretty cold.”

“Your talent never ceases to amaze me.” He bent down to kiss the back of her hand. “Are you ready to go, my Angel?”

“Absolutely.” She smiled brightly at him.


Felix put the car in the parking lot at the Aquarium and the two then both got out and met up at the front of it to hold hands again. Felix loved seeing the excitement he saw in his Angel’s eyes as they made their way to the large buildings’ doors.

“Do you have the tickets?” Felix asked.

“Oh, yeah!” Marinette reached inside her purse to pull out a folded piece of paper. “You know, I almost forgot to bring the tickets before I left.” She said. “That would have been embarrassing.”

They both stopped at the door and Marinette handed over the paper to the woman scanning tickets there. The woman quickly scanned it and handed the paperback.

He looked “Where to first?”

“The baby seal.” She grinned up at him. “He was born just last month and I heard he’s super cute. Let’s go see him first.”

“Okay, Angel.”

Felix didn’t realize he would have so much fun on this date. The exhibits and different animals were amazing to see but what really caught his attention was his Angel’s reaction to it all. Her eyes lit up at every vibrant fish and every cute animal. It made him look at everything around him in a different light.

The baby seal had Marinette squealing and cooing in excitement. Felix loved the way her eyes got all big and she tugged on his arm to make sure that he saw it too. She radiated joy everywhere they went and he found it all to be contagious. He couldn’t stop smiling too.

The dolphins and sharks had Marinette completely awestruck. The large animals completely held her attention for the longest time and as she watched them swim, Felix watched her. He couldn’t get enough of her. She had a beauty that nothing else could hope to compare to.

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