The incident and the doctor's appointment

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Chapter 41

Author's note: okay here it is sorry it took me almost a month I have no idea what to write also I was feeling lazy like I told you guys before but here it is enjoy.

"8 weeks," Marinette said tapping her phone calendar. She was 8 weeks along in her pregnancy. She had just awoken a few minutes, still lying in her bed. Felix was sleeping soundly with his arm lazily resting over her chest, his face nuzzled in her neck. Soon, something began to gurgle in her stomach. She sprinted up from the bed, making a beeline for the bathroom. She collapsed down to the toilet and heaved her head in, puking the contents of her stomach into the bowl. After a few moments of throwing up, Felix groggily knelt beside her and rubbed soothing circles on her back. Marinette wipes some tears away as she flushed the toilet, sitting her back against the bathroom wall.

"I don't how much longer I can keep this up for the kid." She said patting her stomach. She wiped her mouth as Felix shuffled over next to her. He placed his hand softly against her stomach.

"The doctor said you should stop having morning sickness in a few weeks if that makes you feel any better. She shot a glare at him.

"It doesn't but thanks. I've already gained 5 pounds." She said looking at the slight tummy bump under her skin-tight spaghetti string top. He noticed how her breasts also have gotten a bit more plump. He and Marinette haven't been intimate for a bit now, almost 4 weeks. He missed being connected physically with her. He rushed over and starting to place kisses on the side of her neck. After catching onto his plan, she started to squirm away.

", I don't feel confident about myself right now..." she said. He sighed as he held her hand.

"You're beautiful my love, nothing has changed." He said trying to boost her self-esteem. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry but no. I'm bloated, my stomach is throbbing and I just don't feel pretty right now." She said. She groaned as he fell backward. An idea popped into her mind.

Warning there will be a little lemon:

"We could do something else though if you miss me that much Minou..." she said seductively. His eyes popped open as he heard her comply to his desires. She pointed to the bed, him not wasting any time to go and lie down. She got up and brushed her teeth, knowing that it was probably pointless but proceeded as such. She walked over to their bed.

"Pants and boxers off." She said sternly. He complied as he kicked both off, his shirt also going as well. He was buck naked as she crawled over to him. She crawled to his side, him capturing her mouth into a kiss as her hand started to trail down into his lower regions. He gasped slightly as she fondled his 9 inches in her soft hands, become erect to her soft rubs. He moaned as she ran her firm grip up and down his shaft, feeling the tightened skin in her palms. He lightly bit her lip, her fingertips against his skin. She shimmied herself down to the point where her head was between his legs.

"Should I continue?" She said teasingly. He huffed for air as he looked down at her, her lips almost grazing the tip of his cock.

"Please... Mari- please..." he begged. She smirked as she slowly sank her mouth down over the pink tip of his member. He hissed out of pleasure, the salty pre cum hitting her tongue. Her hands fondled his family jewels, her fingers laying in the patch of blonde curls below his navel. She swirled her tongue around him, capturing more of him into her warm, moist mouth. He whimpered, her head slowly bobbing up and down, her hands squeezing his balls as if to pump him like a water squirter. His fingers combed into her hair, his eyes closing and his groans becoming louder and louder.

"Th-that feels so good. Don't stop, don't stop, hah-Ah! Don't stop!" He cried. She bobbed faster. Using her free hand to rub the rest of the shaft she couldn't fit into her mouth. He couldn't take it any longer, he was about to burst.

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