The date part 3

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Chapter 31

“Mom texted.” Marinette sighed. “It’s getting late and she’s wondering when I’m coming home.”

Felix pulled out his phone to see that it was getting closer to one in the morning. “I didn’t even realize.” He held Marinette by her waist as he stood up, setting her back down gently in front of him. “I should probably get you back home.”

“What if we just ditched our families and stayed out all night?” She smirked.

“I would love to but I know for a fact that my family would come track us down.”

“You’re right.” Marinette giggled.“Come on. Let’s go dock this thing so I can take you home before either of our families do something drastic.”

Marinette looked back at the city’s lights and took a deep breath before nodding. “Alright. Let’s go.”

“Don’t look so down, Angel. I plan on having many more nights like this with you.” He spoke sweetly to her. “We can come back and do this another time.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” She grinned up at him.


“You better thank your mother for me for letting us borrow his boat,” Marinette said as the two got off the boat hand in hand.

“I’ll be sure to do that, Angel.”

They let their joined hands swing carefree at their sides as they walked in comfortable silence to Felix’s car. Felix opened the passenger door for her and reluctantly let go of her hand as he shut the door behind her before making his way to the drivers’ seat.

Immediately after starting his car, he took her hand again as they drove off. Marinette began to lightly play with his fingers. Felix found that these little interactions felt so normal to him. It was refreshing.

“Cordelia makes some good food.” She holds her hand up to his to compare the size. “You know, sometimes you make me feel so tiny.”

“You are tiny, Angel.” He smiles as he looks at the size difference. Her small and delicate hands were the exact opposite of his. Her hands were nimble and soft—like they were perfect for doing small and intricate work like sewing—whereas his were strong and hard, made for something more labor-intensive. “But that isn’t a bad thing. I like that about you. I could pick you up and carry you around with me if I wanted.”

“You could.” She nods. “And I like that about you too. I’ve taken care of myself for so long that it’s nice to know that if need be, you could be there to protect me. I can protect myself, obviously, but I know that you could too. It’s sort of… freeing. I feel like I’m safe and I can finally relax with you around. I can do that with my parents too, but it’s different somehow with you.”

Felix couldn’t help but to smile from ear to ear at that. “Angel, I always want you to feel safe with me. I want you to be happy. Always. Even if some villain tries to kidnap us, I want you to know that I will always try my best to keep you safe.” Felix came to a stop in front of Marinette’s building and put the car in park.

“I know you will.” She smiles sweetly at him before looking back to the bakery. “I guess I should get going.”

“Unfortunately, I think you’re right.”

Marinette looked back at Felix softly before taking a deep breath. “I guess I’ll see you on Monday?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see you again.”

“Okay then.” Marinette smiled before leaning across the car to kiss him.

Felix didn’t even hesitate to meet her halfway. For some reason, this kiss was a bit bittersweet. Felix knew it had something to do with this being a bit of a goodbye until Monday. Maybe that’s why they lingered like this for quite some time. Marinette was the one to pull away.

“I’ll see you soon.” She whispered.

“Goodbye, my Angel.” He whispered back. “Don’t be afraid to call me if you need anything.”

“I will.” She smiled at him one last time before opening the car door and making her way inside the apartment building.

Felix didn’t pull off until she was completely out of sight.


Felix entered the house and frowned when he saw his whole family waiting for him. He hadn’t realized he stayed out past midnight.

“Welcome back, Felix.” Cordelia greeted.

“So, how was your date?” Evelyn asked excitedly.

“It was nice.” He said sharply before starting to walk off.

“Wait.” Cordelia stopped him from walking any farther. “That’s all you have to say? What was it like? Did she have a good time?”

Felix took a deep breath before turning to face them. “Why must you do this? And you too, mother?”

“We’re all I bit curious.”

“Well…” Felix was quiet for a moment. “We are going on another date next weekend.”

His family began to cheer at this news.

“So it went well?” Evelyn asked with a bright smile.

“Of course.”

“Did you kiss her?” Cordelia asked with a smirk.

Felix was slightly caught off guard by the question and couldn’t help but to blush as he thought back to the multiple kisses they shared tonight.

“I think he did.” Evelyn gave him a knowing smile.

“By the way,” Evelyn smirked. “Where’s your jacket?”

Felix looked down at himself, completely forgetting that he was wearing one when he left earlier. “Well, it got cold.” He looked back up at everyone. “So I gave it to her. She still has it.”

“Aww!” Cordelia cooed. “That’s so sweet.”

“And chivalrous.” Cordelia turned to Evelyn. “Did you teach him that?”

“I would love to take the credit but I think he did that all on his own.” Evelyn smiled proudly at her son.

“Which reminds me.” Evelyn pulled out her phone. “Sabine sent me an amazing picture earlier today.” She turned her phone towards Felix so he could see. “We should get this framed.”

Felix looked at the photo to see Marinette smiling brightly at the camera, looking as beautiful as ever with her arm wrapped around Felix’s waist. She looked absolutely ecstatic to be standing there with him. Felix, however, was looking solely at Marinette as his arm was wrapped around her waist in return. He saw that soft smile on his past selves face that he only seemed to have just for her. It looked like she was the only thing he was seeing and thinking back on it, she was.

“Can you send that to me?” Felix looked back up at Evelyn as he asked.

“Oh.” Evelyn looked almost a little shocked to have gotten that reaction from him. “Sure.”

“Thanks.” He said before turning to leave. “I’m going to shower up and go to bed now.”

His family just stood there in awe as he walked off.

“I’ll bet everything I have that he’s going to marry that girl someday.” Evelyn spoke up.

“You’re probably right, Evelyn.” Cordelia nods, smiling a bit to herself.

Author's note: okay I hope you guys like it leave a comment down below.

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