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Chapter 6

"You're Ladybug," Felix stated.

The two were in her room, library all but forgotten. Felix had been carrying her bag around with him the entire time. When Felix had found her in the alley Marinette had immediately paled in fear. Felix could only stare with wide eyes.

His best friend, the one person in the whole world that he trusted the most in the entire world. Had lied to him. Had kept such a huge secret from him. She had rushed into danger and left him behind. Left him behind to worry about her well being. If he had never found out about her identity Felix balked at the thought of Marinette lying to his face about where she had been during the Akuma attack.

"I am," Marinette whispered. She sat on her computer chair while Felix sat stiffly on the chaise. Her heart was hammering in her chest. Her greatest secret had been discovered by one of her best friends. After the initial shock, his expression had closed off and he didn't say another word.

Marinette shifted nervously in her seat. Tikki floated next to Marinette, big blue eyes wide and uncertain. It wasn't the first time that one of her chosen's identity had been figured out. It certainly wouldn't be the last. Tikki slowly made her way to the tall blond sitting at the opposite side of the room. Marinette loved this boy, he was like a brother to her that she never had.

"My name is Tikki, I am the God of Creation. I am what gives Marinette the powers to become Ladybug." Felix flinched when the small fairy-thing began to speak. He stared at it in disdain. Marinette would never have gotten into such a dangerous profession if it wasn't for this God. The word tasted bitter on his tongue.

"Were you planning on lying to me the entire time? Were you never going to tell me about this other side of you?" Felix muttered angrily.

Marinette jumped at the sudden accusations thrown her way. She teared up and looked at her hands on her lap. Tikki floated back to her place next to Marinette. Marinette sighed.

"I didn't tell anybody. It wasn't just you." Marinette whispered. Tears sliding down her cheeks.

Felix stood up suddenly and began pacing the room. His posture bent forward, shoulders hunched as he tried to contain his anger.

"What would happen if you ever get hurt Marinette? When on the line of your so-called duty, you receive grievous injuries that you might never recover from?" Felix questioned. Never stopping his pacing as he shot her angry looks. "I will tell you what would happen. You would have died and nobody would know. Everybody would be none the wiser should you ever perish in battle. These Akuma are dangerous, Marinette. How could you possibly hope to defeat the mastermind behind this entire ordeal and expect to come out unscathed? Were you planning on never telling anybody about your secret alter ego?"

Marinette knew that Felix was worried about her. After losing his father, she knew why Felix was lashing out at her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She couldn't lose her temper at her best friend. He was only doing what he felt he needed to so that he could keep her protected.

"It would have been worth it," Marinette said. A look of fierce determination in her eyes. She stared up at Felix who had stopped his pacing in shock.

"What?" He gasped out.

"If I ever died in the line of duty, it would have been worth it!" She shouted. She stood up in an attempt to meet Felix at eye level but the height difference was not something that she could overcome. "I was given a choice when Tikki came to me, and I made it. I love Paris and I love the people here. If dying to protect the people I love is the only way to stop Papillon then I would gladly give mine up in exchange for theirs."

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