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Chapter 46

Author's Note: I am so sorry I didn't post anything I was busy also I have exams coming up, and I had to like winter break packet so I couldn't do it plus I had writer's block. so I had no idea what to do I was thinking of writing about a family dinner for Christmas but I couldn't come up with anything so I gave up that idea. and I was planning on writing something for the New Year's da but I couldn't come up with anything, I was at a gala for New Year's Eve and I was busy helping set it up and by the time I got home it was 4 in the morning and and I couldn't get anything done so that's why. this is what I have I am so sorry but it has been my pleasure writing this book I really enjoyed it and I hope you guys enjoy this last chapter though it's not what I would have wanted but it's still like a good ending.

A few months later

Felix's week was, to say the least, a hot mess. He had been on a business trip , and had to leave his wife and son back at home. Although it was only for a week, it was a week too long without his family.

,,it's alright, Felix. You can call every night and I can send you a lot of pictures of Hugo."

,, But I can't sleep without you in my arms, how am I supposed to survive a whole week without sleep? It's gonna be torturous."

Sometimes Marinette considered telling Felix to quit his job as a CEO, and become an actor instead. His dramatization was truly Hollywood worthy.

,, You're going to be just fine, Felix. Besides, you love your job."

It was true. Felix dearly loved have his own business, no matter how crazy and stressful at times it might be. Before Hugo entered his life, he had thought of the life he would give Marinette with success of his company.

,, Just make sure to send as many pictures as possible, I can't imagine spending a whole week without seeing my beloved."

,, Aww, Felix, I'll miss you, too."

,, Huh? Oh yeah, you, too, I guess."

Marinette knew that he was only joking, but that didn't stop her from kicking his butt, and Felix laughing out loud.


Tired. Exhausted. What else?

Felix didn't know how he would be able to explain his trip to Spain to Marinette.

The meetings were long and tiring, arguments, and trying to get more investors all he wanted to do was sleep and see his family again.

He still made sure to make some time for at least a ten minute phone call with Marinette, and looking at some of the pictures she made of Hugo, who was living his life as if nothing was happening. Just sleep, get up, eat, play, eat, play, go to the bathroom, play, eat one last time, and then go back to sleep.

The thought made Felix chuckle. Did he even realize that he was gone? Hugo was the type of child to live in his own bubble, so he would not be surprised if he didn't even realize his absence.

Now he was in the plane on his way back home to Paris, and Felix felt nothing other than intense relief and happiness. Finally, he thought, Finally I will be with my family again, and sleep in my own bed.

He was too tired and just wanted to cuddle with his wife on the couch. That was everything he thought of since yesterday night as he was laying alone in this foreign bed at the hotel.

As Felix stood in front of their front door, with the key in his hand, he was preparing himself to be faced with Marinette giving him a bone crushing hug. And as Felix opened the door and said ,, I am back", he heard his wife squeaking from the kitchen, dropping everything (nothing made of glass, luckily) and running over to him giving him the expected bone crushing hug, while jumping into his arms with her legs around his upper body.

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