Chapter 9

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As Niki was taking a look at Wilbur, checking over his fever, they both heard a loud yell. Wilbur immediately sat up against Niki's better judgement.

"Wasn't that from the direction of Fundy's room?!"

"Stay here Wil, I'll go check on him."

"No, I cannot do that."

Niki looked at Wilbur with concern, but reluctantly helped him up, and they walked over to Fundy's room. From the opposite direction, they saw Tommy running over, Tubbo following not too far behind him. They slammed open the door to Fundy's room, seeing him jolt upright, crying out, tears in his eyes. Wilbur ran to him, pulling him close into a hug.

"What happened? It's okay, I'm here, I'm here. Tell me what happened." Wilbur said softly, holding him tight.

"The- the flag- and... and I hurt... I burned... the war..." Fundy couldn't fit his words together. He was crying and clutching to Wilbur like his life depended on it.

"I know, the impending war is scary, but it'll be okay, Fundy."

"No!" Fundy shook his head and looked up at Wilbur, imploring. "It won't be okay! I saw... I saw it! We're gonna... you're gonna..."

Fundy was hyperventilating, barely being able to form a sentence, before he passed out in Wilbur's arms.

"Fundy? Fundy!"

Wilbur shook Fundy repeatedly, but to no avail, he was out cold. Niki rushed forward, checking Fundy's temperature and heart rate.

"The hyperventilating from what I can assume was a panic attack is what caused him to pass out."

Wilbur glances up at Niki, not realizing he was raising his voice,

"Is he going to be okay?! What could've caused this?!"

Niki flinched,

"Calm down Wil, he's going to be fine, his body just needs a minute."

"Hey Wilbur, big man, calm down. Scaring the shit out of Niki isn't going to help anyone." Tommy looked at Wilbur with disappointment.

Wilbur held his son tightly.

"What could've happened in his... nightmare, to cause him to pass out?"

"M' not sure, what did he say again? Something about the flag, burning, and the war?"

Tommy rested his chin on his hand, thinking.

Tubbo chimed in, "He said it wasn't going to be okay, then he started on about something that Wilbur had done or was going to do, but passed out before he said anything else."

"But what could've been so bad to cause, all of this?! Doesn't sound like any normal nightmare to me."

There was a small whisper from Niki.

"A vision of the future."

All three men looked up simultaneously.


"Fundy's half nature spirit, right Wil?"

Wilbur nodded.

"Some nature spirits have future vision, it comes in a variety of forms. They can only see bits and pieces of the future regarding the land, not to any specif-"

Tommy interrupted her,

"So, then what are you getting at Niki?"

"Niki, are you saying that Fundy saw into the future of what happened to L'Manburg?"

"More like the near future, but yes Tubbo, that's what I was getting to."

Wilbur sat there in silence staring at his son, holding him tight. The conversation around him blending into a bunch of noise, and then silence.

"What are you going to do now, King Wilbur?"

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