Chapter 10

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Wilbur gasped, and looked away from Fundy for the first time in awhile. He began glancing around the room frantically.

"Hey Wil, is everything okay?"

Tommy and Tubbo immediately stop their conversation and look over to Wilbur and Niki.

"I- I'm not sure..."

Niki looked over towards the boys,

"You two, go get yourselves something to eat, I'll look after Wil and Fundy."

Tommy and Tubbo nodded, and left Fundy's room.

Tommy and Tubbo make their way down the long hallway leading to the kitchen.

"What exactly do you think happened in his vision Tommy?"

"I'm not sure Tubbo, b- but-"

Tommy struggled to say. He stopped and looked down at his feet.

"This is definitely all my fault Tubbo..."

"Tommy, no it's not, I'm-"

"No! Tubbo you're not. This is all of my fault, if only I wasn't so... so..."

He was struggling to find his words, slowly breaking down.

Tubbo had never seen his best friend like this. He was usually the emotional one, Tommy had never been one for showing his hardships in front of others.

Tubbo hesitated, then shook his head. "Listen, man. It's not your fault. We're all going to help. It'll be fine."

Tommy sighed. "I hope you're right, Tubbo."

They quickly grabbed some snacks in the kitchen, Tubbo sitting on the counter.

"It makes me wonder though... I wonder how Flordania is doing." Tubbo mused.

"Probably better than we are." Tommy said bitterly.

"Well, I think they only want us to think that. They could be panicking just like we are."

"Probably not though."

"But they could be."

"Tommy, just try to look on the bright side for once, would you?"

Tommy sighed. "Fine. Maybe they're in worse shape than us."

"Thank you." Tubbo hopped off the counter. "Well, I think we've got all the snacks we need now. This should keep us going, because who knows what else will interrupt our sleep."

"Amen to that."

The boys headed back to their room to brainstorm what to do about the war. Through the wall they could just hear Niki murmuring to Fundy. 

Tommy glanced at the wall where the sound was resonating from. "I wonder if Fundy's okay. We all seem to be kinda messed up."

Tubbo nodded sadly. "Yeah, It's weird that he and Wilbur both had nightmares right after the news. Like father like son, I guess."


Fundy slowly awoke, hearing Niki quietly reassuring him. "N-Niki?"

Niki gasped, and pulled away from him slightly. "Fundy? I- are you alright? You passed out and you started talking about a nightmare... you really scared us, Fundy."

Wilbur nodded. Desperately holding back tears. "I don't know what you saw, Fundy, but it's going to be okay. I promise. We're going to figure this out, just... please try and forget. I don't want you to be burdened by the incoming war. You're just a kid..."

Fundy shook his head. "I'm older than Tommy and Tubbo. And I'm technically next in line, unless you die early."

They way Fundy said that so nonchalantly hurt Wilbur's heart.

"What did I say? They don't care."

Wilbur glanced around, panicked.

Fundy grew worried, seeing Wilbur's odd behavior. "Besides, dad, if anyone's not okay it's you. But I've seen something... and it's important. We can't just ignore what I saw. I want to help."

Fundy looked up hopefully at his father, but WIlbur just shook his head. "You're still too young. You don't need to fight. And we don't even know if it's real. It was just a dream, so relax, okay?"

Fundy shuddered, trying to reign in his anger. Tears sparked in the corners of his eyes. "So- so my input doesn't even matter anymore? I'm your son, dad! I can help! I'm next in line and you won't even teach me how to help with these sorts of matters!"

"You can't trust them. They'll only ruin it."


"You'll be the only survivor of the war. Better to do it alone."
Wilbur's expression turned cold. "I don't need your help. You'll only get in the way. Just..." His expression softened slightly. "Just try to forget, okay?"

Fundy's vision turned blurry. "I can't believe this." He stood and ran out of the room.

"Fundy!" Niki called after him, then turned on Wilbur. "He could've helped, Wilbur! Why would you do that?" She followed Fundy out the door.

Wilbur sat, alone, in his son's room. "I hope you're right." He told himself quietly.

"You know I am. It's for everyone's good. You're the only one who knows. Even if he saw the future, he doesn't know. Don't let him."

"...I understand."

The Unfinished Symphony: A Retelling of the Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now