Chapter 4

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This is the second chapter I forgot to post- so sorry!


Wilbur woke, dazed, too hot. He struggled to sit up until a cool rag was pressed against his forehead. Niki, smiling softly, was kneeling next to Wilbur.

"Niki... wh-"

She cut him off gently. "Tommy and everyone have taken care of it. You can rest."

Wilbur only struggled harder to sit up. "Wilbur!" She scolded, pushing him back down.

"I- I need to see Tommy." Wilbur looked around with wild eyes.

"But you need to rest..." Wilbur's gaze locked with hers, intent, intense. "I need to see him."

Niki looked uncomfortable but nodded. "Okay. Stay right here, Will."

Wilbur relaxed and collapsed on the chair. It only took Tommy a few minutes to rush in, followed closely by Tubbo. "Wilbur! You alright, big man?" He cried. Tubbo followed right on his heels. "You got a fever from sitting in that rain. It was really stupid of you."

Wilbur nodded tiredly, dragging a hand down his face. "Is Fundy upset?"

They all exchanged glances. Finally, Niki spoke up. "Yeah, a little bit. He was really worried about you; he took you home, you know." Wilbur sighed. "Yeah, it's kinda fuzzy but I remember."

Tommy glanced at Tubbo. "So... do you remember what Dream told you?" He asked tentatively.

Wilbur's expression sagged. His face whitened. "Y-yeah." He looked up tiredly at his brother. "I assume you've seen it, as the books are not in my pocket."

Tommy scratched the back of his neck. "Ah- yeah. I uh... yeah."

Wilbur sighed again. "Well, there was no hiding it. Actually, Tommy, I meant to show you anyway because Dream said something weird."

"Something... weird?"

"About you, actually."

Tommy froze.

"A- About me? Why would Dream say something about me?" Tommy laughed, looking away.

Wilbur eyed Tommy. "He said... to ask you about why he's attacking us, or something."

Tommy laughed, clearly very uncomfortable. Tubbo jumped in to try and save him. "Uh- why would he say that? That's odd."

"Uh-huh, very odd, Tubbo. Don't you think that's weird, Tommy?"

"I- uh-"

"Tommy." Wilbur stared into his eyes. "What did you do?"

"I- I didn't... okay." Tommy struggled to speak for a moment.

"You know those, uh, family heirlooms? My discs?"

"Yeah, what about them? They're really not that important, they were just a gift from Dad, right?"

"They matter to me, okay? Anyway, he, uh, kinda... stole them? And I stole them back? And a bunch of other stuff happened but the point is we kind of hate each other a little bit and uh then he found the books and threatened me with them and uh he said... that if we don't rejoin his kingdom because we 'belong to him' then he'd... kill us."

"Also I knew. I uh, I may have helped him a little bit." Tubbo added in, a little guiltily.

Wilbur put his face in his hands.



"I'm really sorry, Wil, but I didn't really have a- a uh, choice."


"You really... I'm not sure if you're mad but we can fix it, we don't have to... rejoin, or..."

"Tommy. You had an unofficial battle over... heirlooms with the leader of our only enemy kingdom. And you thought this was a good idea."

"I mean, I didn't think it was a good idea, but I had to do something, didn't I?"

Wilbur exploded. "No, Tommy. You didn't. You could've asked politely, or gotten politics involved, or just not cared because they're discs, Tommy. They're objects, and you basically started a war over them? What made you think this was a good idea? What made you think this was something you can do?"

"I just- we never see Phil anymore, and they're kinda important to me-"

"Just stop, Tommy. Just stop."

"Wil, I-"

"I can't believe you've done this. You really, you've fucked us, tommy. You've started a war."

"Wh- no I haven't!"
"It's going to happen, Tommy. Because of you."

"Wil- I'm sorry- I just wanted to-"

"We're done here." Wilbur stood, and walked away, wobbling slightly.

Niki quickly followed him. "Wilbur, you should rest-"

"I can rest in my room." He brushed her off and left everyone standing, shocked.

Tubbo looked at Tommy. "Tommy, what did we do?"

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