Chapter 15

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Wilbur got them all up bright and early, and although they complained it was obvious that none of them had slept. They solemnly sat at the dinner table, dark circles under everyone's eyes.

"Alright, team. One day until the meeting. The main thing to remember is to keep your composure. This means you, Tommy."

Tommy glared at Wilbur but let him continue.

"Dream is going to be annoying. He's going to mess with us and try to escalate the situation in his favor. We need to make sure that he doesn't get what he wants, or it'll get so much worse. Got it?"

Everyone made general agreement noises.

"Okay. I vote we take this day to relax before everything goes downhill." Wilbur conceded.

"Amen to that," Tommy said tiredly.

Fundy wiggled over to Wilbur.. "Dad, can we see Niki again? I wanna tell her where we'll be going. I also want another pastry."

Wilbur smiled, ruffling his son's fur affectionately. "Sure thing, my little champion."

Fundy blushed. "Dad, stop calling me that. It's embarrassing!"

Wilbur just smiled. "Anyone want something while we're out?"

Tubbo looked up. "Ooh, I want a pastry! Something with, like, a honey glaze."

"You got it! You want anything, Tommy?"

"Nah." Tommy shrugged.

Wilbur looked at Tommy, concerned, for a moment, but turned away. "Alright. Be back soon, guys."

He and Fundy headed down the hall.

Tommy glanced at Tubbo. "I know he said composure, but... he doesn't really think that I'm not gonna say anything."

Tubbo coughed awkwardly. "I think it would be better if you didn't. You kinda messed things up already."

"What? Come on, that's not fair! I didn't do anything... this was Dream's fault."

"I know but you're not going to get anywhere by further antagonizing him."

"Yeah, that's fair. But I just want to get a few words in."

"Something tells me that is a terrible, terrible idea."

"Tubbo, please! He's been attacking us and taunting us, and we finally have a chance to get a word in! How can we not?"
"Because Wilbur asked us not to!"

"But he's going to be right there. Actually, what's stopping us from just stabbing him?"
"Because it's a peaceful meeting! Tommy, you're not the King, but you still have political ties. You can't just... kill people. We need to handle this delicately. Besides, you and Wilbur only just made up. You want to ruin that?"

"I just... want him to know. I want to make him feel as frustrated as we have. He ruined everything!"

"I know, man. But we just have to trust Wilbur."

"...Okay. Fine." Tommy glanced away, then back. "But still-"

"Nope." Tubbo turned away and started heading down the hall. "We are not continuing this conversation."

"Come on, Tubbo. You and me against the world!"

"Not if you keep talking like that."

"What happened to you being clingy?"

"What happened to being reasonable and listening to Wilbur?"

"Listen, if I'm annoyed, all rules go out the window."

"Yeah, I know. That's how this started."
"I can't help it!"

"Yes you could, you could just-"
"Tubbo, please."

"...I"m just trying to look after you. It's for everyone's benefit if you just stay calm tomorrow."
"I'll do my best."


"Good. Listen, I need to go and... prepare. I'll talk to you later, big man."

Tommy hesitated, biting back his words. "...Okay."

Tommy stood, alone, in the empty hallway. He could feel the temperature leaching out of the window, giving him a chill. He shivered, but didn't move, clearly deep in thought. His lips moved quietly to unspoken words, his thought process locked inside his mind, not allowed out.

He bit his lip, thinking of Dream. What would he say? As much as he wanted to give him a good poke with a sword, Tubbo and Wilbur were probably right. Still...

His hands twitched a little, wishing he had a weapon. Eventually he sighed, and moved on to sit in his room. He fiddled with his tools, sharpening and cleaning them. He glanced over at the L'manberg flag over his bed. He couldn't shake a feeling of unease settling on his shoulders.

Eventually the day slowly drew to a close, the light fading from the sky. Tubbo met up with Tommy in their room, and they talked lightheartedly, as if nothing were going to happen.

Wilbur sang Fundy to sleep, which he hadn't done in a long while. The two boys heard it through the wall, and they were lulled to sleep as well.

Wilbur, however, did not sleep. He made potions, sharpened his weapons, cleaned his armor, went over his speech to say to dream, and eventually passed out on his desk; even though the desk in question was covered in potion ingredients, paper, and a half-eaten pastry.

They all slept, and dreamt dark things none of them would remember.

It was the last time they slept for a while.

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