Chapter 3

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I keep forgetting to upload I've missed 2 chapters I'm so sorry


Wilbur sat in the field, shocked. "Damn that cocky bastard." Unable to move. Clouds began to darken the sky, along with the setting sun. It was almost pitch black, and soon it began to rain very hard, yet Wilbur did not move from the tree. So many thoughts filled his mind, especially what Dream had said, to ask Tommy... what did that mean? Despite all of this, he remained motionless, until a wet orange blob raced towards him.

Fundy sped towards his dad as fast as he could go.

"Dad! What happened?" Fundy cried.

Wilbur only moved his eyes to meet his son's. "Fundy..." he said quietly.

Fundy desperately patted him down. "Are you wounded? Did he attack you?"

Wilbur slowly shook his head. "I need to find Tommy. Can you do that, Fundy? Can you get him for me?"

Fundy hesitated. "I'd rather bring you to him. You've got to get out of this weather."

Wilbur did not respond.

With a worried whimper, Fundy helped him up, Wilbur couldn't even carry himself, leaving Fundy to do all the work as they began making their way back to the palace.

Tommy looked up from his card game with Tubbo when a knock resounded on the large palace doors.

"Who could that be? It's past 9, it's unsafe." Tommy joked.

"Maybe it's Fundy? I think he went out earlier." Tubbo contributed

As they struggled to open the doors, Fundy ran in, completely soaked, holding a just as drenched and lifeless Wilbur.

Tommy ran over, immediate concern taking over his joking tone. "What happened? Is he hurt?"
Fundy shook his head. "I'm not sure. I think Dream did this."

"That bastard..." Tommy growled, eyes looking at a faraway point.

"He's in deep shock, I think. We should lay him somewhere warm." Tubbo took charge, suddenly serious.

Fundy nodded and helped Tubbo get Wilbur to a fireplace. The boys looked at Wilbur, now passed out on a chair by the fire.

"He should be fine now." Tubbo said, pulling a blanket on him.

"For real, Fundy. Tell us what happened to Wilbur." Tommy said firmly.

Fundy looked down. "I really don't know. He uh- he was holding these books, though."

Tommy perked up. "Let me see."

Tommy's breath quickened. Tubbo read over Tommy's shoulder, eyes widening.

Fundy's ears flattened in fear. "What is it? Let me see!"

Tommy only shook his head, quietly putting the book in his pocket, before standing up.

"Tommy-" Fundy started, but Tubbo cut him off.

"Hey, uh, Fundy, you should really get to bed. It's late."


"You really should, Fundy. We can take care of this." Tommy said quietly as he broke eye contact with the fox spirit.

Fundy stared at Tommy, then turned and followed Tubbo to his room.

Tommy sat down next to Wilbur. "I'm sorry, Wil. This might be my fault. You remember those family heirlooms? The discs? Dream and I... we fought over them, Wil. And I think it made him mad, and then he conveniently found those books. It's just-" He ran a hand through his hair.

"It was kind of a joke, but I think I might've pissed him off a bit too much." He looked back at Wilbur. "I'm sorry, man."

He stayed next to Wilbur for another minute, then got up to make a call.

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