Chapter 14

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Fundy paced in the main hall, Tommy fidgeting next to him. Tubbo watched the clock, counting the seconds.

"Why isn't he here yet?" Fundy whimpered.

Tubbo shook his head. "I don't know. By what he was saying, he's probably meeting with Dream right now; and that can't be good."

Tommy stayed silent.

They worried for another few minutes.

"It's been fourteen minutes. Maybe we should..." Tubbo trailed off.

Tommy shook his head. "Fifteen minutes. Then I'll tell you what to do. But we have to wait."

Fundy looked up at Tommy. "I didn't know you and Wilbur had a procedure."
Tommy grimaced. "I didn't think we'd have to use it."

"I only knew the gist of it, I don't really know what the steps entail." Tubbo contributed.

"Let's just say a lot of it includes stabbing shit and running." Tommy said grimly.

"Guys? It's been fifteen minutes."

All three faced the clock.

"Oh." Tommy and Tubbo said together.

Suddenly, the large palace doors began to creak open.

Tommy's face hardened. He swept Fundy behind him with one arm. "Be on your guard, guys."

To their surprise, however, it was Willbur who walked in.

"Dad!" Fundy ran to his father, crashing into a hug.

Wilbur smiled and reciprocated.

"Wilbur?" Tommy let out a shaky laugh. "That was fifteen. You're really cutting it close here, man."

Wilbur smiled. "I told Fundy I'd be fine."

Tubbo smiled at Tommy. His eyes seemed to say, I knew everything would work out. Tommy smiled too. "Glad you're safe, big man."

Wilbur nodded, but his eyes were a little clouded.

"What's on your mind?" Tubbo said, reading him instantly.

"We're due for a meeting with Dream on Tuesday." Wilbur cautiously said.

Tommy froze. "A... meeting? Are we invited?"

Wilbur pondered this. "Yes, I think so. But it would be prudent of us to not bring weapons."

"At all?" Tommy protested.

Wilbur let slip a ghost of a smile. "Well... minimal weapons."

"Can I come too?" Fundy asked quietly.

Wilbur's face grew stony. He crouched to look Fundy in the eyes. "Here's the thing. You're a little young for this, and I don't want any leverage from you. Maybe it would be better if you just stayed; at least for this first meeting. I just want to test the water before we throw you in. Is that okay?"
Fundy thought for a moment. "Okay," he said quietly. "But I want to see the next one."

"Deal." Wilbur shook his hand, then straightened.

"Okay," He said, looking out over his family. "What's the plan? If we're gonna meet Dream I want us to be prepared. So, who has any ideas?"

Tubbo perked up. "If we know that Sapnap and George will be there, it's probably in our best interests to ignore them. Dream only really wants them for muscle, not their opinions. We'll be there for opinions, but I think it's better if only Wilbur speaks." He glanced at Tommy. "And Tommy, please do your best to control your temper if at all possible."

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