Chapter 17

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Dream stormed into the castle, enraged. "After all the advice I gave him. He still brought the children, and now he thinks he doesn't have to listen!"

George tried to soothe his king. "It's okay. Drista's visions are real. They will lose nonetheless. You're just annoyed."

"Damn right I'm annoyed." Dream punched the wall. "He isn't listening to me! I know if I try to contact him now, he'll get suspicious. I'm going to have to wait until he gets insecure again. Who knows how long that'll take with Tubbo there." He paused. "Maybe we can use Eret."

Eret was a Lord of L'Manberg, but he was worried about losing his job on Wilbur's cabinet. His radical views sometimes caused Wilbur to be wary of him, which wasn't good. Eret believed that they should work with Flordania more, secretly harboring the ideals that they never should have seceded. "If I use him as a spy..." Dream trailed off.

Sapnap smiled. "I like the sound of that."

Dream nodded. "I'm going to see Drista." He said abruptly. He turned on his heel, walking down the hallway. Although he wasn't wearing his cape, you could almost see it fluttering royally as he exited.

"Drista? Are you there?" Dream knocked softly on his sister's door. He used to play around with her more before he knew about her powers. They would roughhouse and she almost made him lose an eye with a fork. Now, however, he was softer, cunningly caring to keep her gift for himself.

"I'm here."

Dream entered her room, which was decorated with mint green walls and large windows, most of which were open. She was leaning out the window next to her bed, breathing the air.

"Hey now, don't go falling out." Dream chuckled.

Drista smirked. "Yeah. I mean, it's pretty boring being stuck inside all the time. Maybe falling out would make things interesting for once." She paused. "What do you want?"

Dream gasped, pretending to be affronted. "Want? Can't a brother want to see his lovely sister every now and then?"

"Not when you put her on house arrest to 'protect her from herself'." she said back, air quoting at him.

Dream frowned. His mask was off, as he only did with family members. "You know I care about you. It really is for your own good. I can't imagine what they'd do to you if they knew you could see the future. Especially with a war going on."

Drista sighed. "I know, I know."

"So... have you seen anything today?"

Drista gasped, almost falling off the bed as she pointed at her brother. "I knew it! I knew you wanted something!"
Dream laughed, batting his eyes. "Please?"

Drista shook her head. "Nothing yet. Talk to me about what happened today. Verbatim. I feel like it might trigger something."

"Okay." Dream thought for a moment. He relayed most of the meeting, but as he mentioned something, Drista stiffened.

"'...over a petty feud with a sixteen year old, no less? Tommy has no political power, is there really a point to get so touchy over some heirlooms?' and then something about how Sapnap started it, which is ridiculous..."

"Say that again."

Dream paused, then repeated himself. "'Over a petty feud with a sixteen year old, no less? Tommy has no political power, is there really a point to get so touchy over some heirlooms?'" He waited quietly for Drista to say something.

Drista muttered a bit, then again, louder. "S-something about how Tommy had political power whether he liked it or not... and getting in trouble for something. She shook her head. "I'm not sure."

"That's okay." He moved to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, then paused and awkwardly put it back down. When Drista glanced at him, he explained. "I don't want to get in your head," He said apologetically.

"Oh yeah." Drista paused. "I kinda forgot you had powers too."

Dream smiled. "Yeah. Don't forget that I understand. I'll be there for you if you need me. Even if king duties get in the way."

Drista nodded. "Yeah. Does..." Her voice changed to a coaxing sound, like one used on skittish animals. "Does that mean I can go outside?" She asked, voice honey-sweet.

Dream laughed, shaking his head. "I'll think about it."

Drista huffed, fake pouting. "Fine."

Dream laughed to himself again, quieter. He moved out of the room, shutting the door softly.

Drista looked out the window again, trying to visualize being outside. "Soon," she murmured to herself. "Soon."

George and Sapnap were there to greet Dream when he reentered the hall. "Alright guys, work time. We need to outplay these ragamuffin revolutionists."

"Speaking of muffins, maybe we should talk to Bad." George contributed.

"Maybe, but I don't think it's necessary. L'Manberg has lost the majority of its army to another war far away. They'll probably want to keep the fighting personal."

"Can they do that? Is it even allowed for kings to fight, like, physically?" Sapnap asked.

"Of course. It's happened before in history. Of course, they had armies, but their leaders were leading the charge and were even known to seek each other out personally. I don't see why we can't do that. And if we don't use our armies, we save resources so we can tear down their kingdom when we win.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sapnap said, grinning devilishly.

"Good." Dream stood. "Meeting adjourned, then. I have other matters to attend to."

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