Chapter 2

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Hello! Sorry it's a little late,  but it's still the weekend so we're on schedule  enjoy!


Wilbur finished the last of his potions, leaving behind a little smoke and residue, 'I'll clean that up later' he thought, and shoved the final one in his bag. He started to head down the long hallway. On his way out he stopped in Tommy's room to let him know that he was heading out. As he was about to leave through the towering castle doors, he saw a flash of orange in his peripheral vision,

"Hey, uh- Dad, where are you going? ...And why do you have one of those with you?"

Wilbur smiled softly, looking back at his son,

"It's nothing to worry about Fundy, I just have some important business to attend to, ya know, king stuff..." he drifted off.

Fundy stared back at Wilbur with concern,

"You're meeting with Dream? Why..."

Wilbur turned in shock. "How did you.."

"Dad, part fox remember?" He says pointing at his ears, bright orange, which did stand out quite a bit.

"Just, be careful... alright?"

Wilbur nodded and proceeded through the massive spruce doors.

As he walked down the elongated path towards the palace gates, a gentle wind ruffled his hair. He smiled, trying to ignore the anxiety gnawing at his core. He reached the gates, motioned the guards to let him out, and continued along the path, not noticing Fundy in the distance, as he watched on worriedly from a window.

As he passed through the gates, his anxiety continued to grow, becoming almost unbearable as many thoughts and possibilities swirled around in his consciousness. He passed by the Bakery, owned by Niki, a kind druid, and a wonderful cook. He continued moving along, staring at the various houses that made up L'Manbergs residents, as he mentally noted whose house belonged to who, to keep his mind off his impending anxiety. As he reached the end of L'Manberg territory, he exited the expansive blackstone walls which surrounded the country. He passed one last home, in a small space of neutral territory. Wilbur then proceeded to sit down, and wait on a nearby tree stump.

Wilbur, lost in his thoughts, jumped when someone called for him.


He looked up to the tall and slender figure, mask obscuring face.

"Dream. What is it that you wanted to talk about so badly?" Wilbur stood up, eye to eye with the elf.

"Wilbur, I was going through some archives this morning, and I found something... interesting."

Wilbur eyed Dream. "Interesting how?"

Dream pulled out his sword, and casually leaned on it. "Interesting as in... unusual and informative. About L'Manburg, actually."

Wilbur shifted uneasily. "What about L'Manburg could be deemed interesting? We're a kingdom built like any other, Dream."

Wilbur could just see Dream smiling under his mask. "Is that what you think?"

An uncomfortable laugh escaped Wil, showing his uneasiness.

"Yes? Is that not correct, Dream?"

Dream let out a much more confident laugh. "Apparently... no, It's not."

Dream reached into his bag, pulling out some old books. "Do you know what these are, Wilbur?"

"They look like... tomes? I don't see how this is relevant."

"Oh, they're very relevant. Did you know that L'manburg is actually not a legitimate kingdom?"

"What do you mean, we're not legitimate? We're a kingdom just like yours, Dream."

The elf smiled.

"Heh, you might want to have a look at these."

Dream tossed the books at Wilbur.

Wilbur flipped through the pages, growing more and more frantic. A bead of sweat trickled down his brow. "H- how do you... where did you find these? What does this mean?"

Dream smiled. "I told you, it's our history. Your nation illegally seceded to run a drug cartel. We've been coexisting because the files were lost, but they've been found. And we demand restitution."

Wilbur continued to laugh uncomfortably. "R- restitution? For what? We've been at peace for all these years, Dream! Why- why are you picking a fight now?"

"Because these facts have come to light, Wilbur. This changes things."

"No, it doesn't!" Wilbur protested, but Dream said nothing.

"Fine, then just... raise trading prices or add tariffs or something. Why are you trying to start a War?" Wilbur admonished.

Dream sighed. "I'm not trying to start a war, Wilbur."

A hysterical laugh poured out of Wilbur. "Then what is it you're trying to do? Because it seems to me like you're trying to get us all killed!"

Dream frowned. "You seem to be laughing a lot, Wilbur. Do you think this is a joke?"

"I- I can't- you can't do this, Dream! What gave you the idea to try and start a war?"

"It's not war, Wilbur. We're just settling our differences."

"What differences?!?! What have we ever done to hurt you, Dream??"

"Well, not you specifically, Wilbur. But your nation, which you inherited. That's how ruling works, Wilbur. You have to take care of the mistakes your forefathers made."

"You- you're making a mistake."

Wilbur and Dream stood there, the tension in the air thick enough to cover Dream's ego.

"Am I, Wilbur?"

"I don't know what compelled you to do this, but I'm not going to fight you over something so petty, Dream."

"Just wait. You may have to." Dream turned to leave, but Wilbur called after him.

"What does that mean?"

"It means you'd better watch your back from now on." Dream replied, still facing away.

"I just- I don't understand why you're doing this!"

Dream ignored him and continued to walk away, leaving him with one haunting sentence:

"Maybe you should ask Tommy."

The Unfinished Symphony: A Retelling of the Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now