Unedited character list/writing ideas

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So, as promised, here are our unedited story notes. This will be the last thing we'll post. Our only request is that you do not steal our work. We're giving these ideas, so please don't steal them because, again, this might not be goodbye forever. But thank you to those who have made it this far!

AGES - this needs to be established,, eventually

TWO (or more) KINGDOMS AT WAR- we can start the AU from the beginning of the arc (and/or earlier)

DREAM SMP (FLORDANIA) KINGDOM- King/prince dream, princess dristaaaaa

MEMBERS OF THE KINGDOM- should be the same as the beginning of the SMP but we may have to move some people to another kingdom for this to work to just assume if they're not explicitly named they're part of the SMP

L'MANBERG- Phil is retired king, Wilbur is current king, tommy is second in line, techno is away at war for the beginning (technically techno is king- he refused the title to fight wars

cause he hates gov but he's gotta get the blood for the blood god)

Also tubbo is part of their small kingdom, Tommy's best friend since childhood... along with the revolutionaries

WAR- L'manberg and FLORDANIA fight over who rules the land, as Dream finds old documents stating L'manburg was created illegally a long time ago. They repeat the civil war of their forefathers, following the same plot, except we replace the disks with... something. However, they win the war and try to rebuild their destroyed nation.

POLITICAL PROBLEMS (the election)- L'manberg is thriving, and everything is going well, but Wilbur was reviewing the documents that started the war (how L'manberg wasn't a legitimate country) and notices that he might actually not be royalty- that it's a fluke. He asks Phil and they decide to try and find leadership with the people, resulting in a lot of underhanded dealing (some cool meetup scenes where Schlatt bribes people) and a dictator rises to power, banishing the true royalty. Then, Phil goes missing. ( he was around before just like retired and old... cause he's old)

POGTOPIA (Post Election War) - Phil has gone missing, no one has contact with techno (who's still away), Wilbur and Tommy now banished from (L')Manberg start pogtopia, having to leave tubbo behind as schlatt forcefully makes him his right hand.

MANBERG (Post Election War) - Schlatt becomes the new president/dictator. Tubbo was forcefully made schlatt's right hand, so he can keep a close eye. Quackity is schlatt's vice, but the more accurate term is tubbos babysitter.

OH- all the sleepy boys need to be half whatever they are because Phil is a human and they're like his kids so... they all have different moms or whatever -damn phil really picking up women here bro, what a player. -of course

-So what if the nightmares everyone is getting is from dream, stirring things up. Like his family has the power to mess with your mind, so it's not the potion, dream messed with him at the tree instead.

-I was brainstorming the other night where Tommy has been sending letters to Phil like every month or so telling him all the terrible things that have happened but over time they get more and more informal until it's the night before wilbur blows up lmanburg and Tubbo writes to him like SUPER formally asking him to like 'send men' amd Phil just like RUNS

Wilbur has said that Tommy's D&D alignment is chaotic good.


Tommy is barely chaotic good. While Tommy may seem lawful on the surface (due to his keen understanding of the codes and conventions that he must follow) he still flips his values radically based on tiny non-emotional changes in his environment. He has definitely only moved into this quadrant recently.

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