Chapter 18

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Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo walked home to the castle. Fundy ran out to greet them halfway, crashing into Wilbur for a hug and then searching the pastry bag for a snack. Tommy announced that he was going to bed, and Wilbur asked him to tuck Fundy in, to which he grudgingly agreed. Tubbo went off the scan the library and archives. Wilbur sent out mail to his cabinet, who stayed in the town instead of the castle. He then began to prepare his first draft of his speech, for them to review later.

After tucking Fundy in, Tommy went to Phil's office, instead of his room. He quietly scratched out another letter, looking over his shoulder every few seconds.

Dear Phil,

We are officially at war. Don't worry, we're handling it. Wilbur and I have made up, so we're fine, and Tubbo really clutched for us today. Fundy is doing alright too. So you don't need to worry or anything. Even though we are at war a little bit. Still, we're doing fine. You and Techno can continue whatever important work you're doing. An army would be nice, but I guess they're needed over there... I don't really know. No one tells me anything, and now Tubbo's in the cabinet while I'm still over here doing nothing. Except causing wars, I guess. Anyway, we're fine, so... you guys can just chill. We can handle this. We'll be fine. I guess I'm really telling myself that more than telling you, huh. It doesn't matter. The odds of you actually seeing these two letters are slim to none.

I feel

Maybe if

I'll write again later, maybe. Hopefully not.



Then he went to bed. And slept.


Tommy was woken up early as Wilbur tried (and failed) to rouse Tubbo from his princess-worthy slumber.

"Wil? What's going on?" He asked groggily.

"I'm trying to wake Tubbo up for the cabinet meeting. He's not waking up though."

"Oh, just blow on his face. He hates that. Well, he thinks it's a bee, and gets annoyed when it isn't."

Wilbur followed his advice, and soon they had a just as tired (if not more so) Tubbo.

"Wilburrr, I was up all night in the archives. Can't I sleep in?" Tubbo complained.

"And miss your first cabinet meeting? I think not."

Tubbo sat up, slightly more alert. "That's true. Ok, Wil, I'll be up in a minute."

Tommy rolled over. "Enjoy your meeting."

Wilbur smiled. "I don't think so. I need you today too."

"Really? Why?"

"I need you planning battle strategies. Also, you seemed grumpy when you weren't invited."
Tommy rolled his eyes. "I'm not jealous, I just want to help. Anyway, the battle strategies meeting will be after, right? So let me sleep." He scoffed.

"Fine, sleep in. But don't blame me if you miss the meeting."

"When is it?"


"Eight!? What time is it now?" Tommy demanded.

"Five?" Tommy asked incredulously.

"Yes. Enjoy your sleep." Wilbur left, with Tubbo trotting tiredly behind.

"I will," Tommy mumbled into his pillow.

"This meeting is to go over a speech for a very sensitive topic I have only briefed some of you on." Wilbur glanced at Tubbo as he said this. "So don't expect us to get started right away. That being said, let this cabinet meeting begin."

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