Chapter 11

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Niki ran after Fundy, breathing hard. "Fundy, wait! Please, you're so much faster than I am!"

Fundy slowed down, shaking his head. Tears were streaming down his face for the second time that night. "I can't believe him."

Niki nodded, rubbing Fundy's back comfortingly. "I know. But... he's just scared Fundy. He's trying to protect you."

Fundy sniffled. "You have to go home, right?"
Niki smiled, but nodded. "Well, yeah, but don't think you're keeping me. I don't mind staying."
"No, I..." He looked away, embarrassed. "I was wondering if I could stay with you for a night. I don't really want to be around Wil right now."

Niki's eyes widened, just a tiny bit. "I- uh- I know I shouldn't be saying this but- please don't call Wilbur by his name. I- I shouldn't say that, but he's your dad, and I want you guys to be close."

Fundy nodded numbly. "Okay. Sure."

Niki smiled sadly. "Okay. Let's go get some sleep." She led Fundy down the dark road, unaware of someone watching them.


Tommy lay awake, listening to the sound of Tubbo breathing. Of course Tubbo can sleep well. He didn't cause this whole thing. Tommy thought bitterly.

He stared out the window, looking at the moonlight shining in. He glanced at the jukebox in the corner. "I wish I had some Mellohi to play right now..." He mumbled. Suddenly feeling tired, he laid down and slept. And dreamt.

Flashing images of multiple scenes. Tubbo, in a box, being shot to death. A large explosion. Tubbo, with a faceless man that radiated evil energy. A betrayal? Tubbo, in a suit, serious. Banishment? Himself, on a bridge. He's shot. The scene moves on. Himself again, in a pit, being beaten, inches from death. Himself, over and over. Fire. Fights. Explosions. Betrayals. And... sacrifice. The discs pass through the dreams, but Tommy can never reach them. Never grab hold of them. A last image. A grave. The name cannot be made out. The only real clue is a few words on it. 'Son of Philza.' A voice reaches through the dream. "They all betray you. After everything you give, they expect more. No matter what you do, it'll never be enough to satisfy them. You'll never gain their approval. You'll be exiled."

Tommy awoke startled, breathing heavily. "What..."

Tommy glanced over to Tubbo, who was still sound asleep. His chest felt like it was on fire and his head was pounding. Tommy slowly walked down the hallway, holding his head. He stumbled past Phil's old office, and paused. He walked in cautiously, towards the desk, which was covered in a heap of dust. After sweeping away the dust with his hand, and having a coughing fit, he pulled out some parchment and some ink and began writing.

"Dear Dad Phil,

Just writing a letter, although I'm not actually sure when it will get to you. Things here are starting to get... tense.

Long story short Phil, I think I fucked up, like really really fucked up.

Me and Dream had a little bit of an argument fight about the discs, you know, Cat and Mellohi. Everyone else just thinks of them as just another object, but they're really special to me...

Dream stole them, and then I stole them back. I thought everything was going to be fine, until Sapnap told Tubbo that Dream wanted to meet with Wil.

Wil came back really fucked up, we don't know exactly what happened but he seems... different. He's really angry at me for "potentially starting a war" with Dream. I also heard he lashed out at Fundy.

I'm not really sure if he's going to be okay, but I know that it's my fault. We're already starting to prepare for this so-called war that might take place. Apparently L'Manburg was created illegally, or so these old documents Dream gave to Wilbur say.

I'm not sure how much time is going to be left before shit really starts to go down, but I think you should come back home. Please. Bring Techno with you too. I'm really worried about Wil, and I just don't know what to do...


He took the letter, and stuck it in the shared enderchest. It acted like a mailbox almost, being able to send letters, and (on accident) a 6-year old Tommy. He left Phil's office quickly, and quietly, as to not disturb anyone sleeping.

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