part 35

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- Hey hey hey this chapter will be about your past. So enjoy.-

Y/n's .p.o.v.

It was a few hours ago that I was with Eri and she made me think about myself.
I saw the scared looks that I had myself, but I was small.
And I can't get rid of the thoughts anymore.
I'm just thinking about how it all started.


I was three years old when it all started.
Me and Shoto were in our room when someone entered our room.
It was our father with a strange man in a white coat.
Our father looked at us with a serious look.
He coughed and moved them upstairs to signal that we should get up.
Shoto just stared at him in confusion and I nodded.
I got up and looked the man in the eye and bowed.
The guy kind of gave me a smile and did the same.
He then straightened up and looked at Shoto.
Shoto didn't move and just stared at the man.
I heard my father growl.

"Shoto! Get up!" said Father Enji.

My brother didn't hesitate for a second and got up.
We had already noticed in those three years that it is better not to make him angry.
He walked past me and bowed.
The man now nodded with satisfaction and my father did the same.
The man was staring at us now and said nothing.
I got a shiver and looked at my father.

"I'm sorry father, but who is this man?" I asked softly.

"Ah of course I haven't told you yet. Shoto, Y / n this is Professor Weird from the special lab that Touya sometimes goes to. And he asked me to put other kids on him." he said quietly.

I nodded and looked back at the man.

"Nice to meet you sir. You're Shoto and y / n Todoroki. I'm sorry about my brother but he's very shy."

He looked at me with and nodded at me.

"It doesn't matter Ms. Todoroki. I'm pleased to see you today." he said with a funny smile.

He took a step our way and took my shoulder.

"And I'm sure I'll see you another one .." he said into my ear.

I didn't know it then but this was a promise and not a so-called something.
I gulped and looked the man straight in the eye.
He grinned and then let go of me.
He then turned and looked at our father.

"Enji you have interesting children. And especially your youngest is very interesting. I would like to see her again." said the professor.

"Of course. You can come again when they get their quirks." said father.

And this was the beginning of much trouble.
Since that day Touya was almost never there
And when he was there, he was covered with burns.
He was often tired and looked like his soul could be ripped out.
But even when he looked like that, he still came over to do something together.
Often alone with me and otherwise with Shoto.
Natsuo and Fuyumi also sometimes participated, of course, but they liked to spend more time together.
It went like this for years.
Touya came back injured from somewhere along with father.
Shoto hung out a lot with Mother and I sometimes went along until Touya came back.
Fuyumi and Natsuo were now more in the house working under Father's word and I saw little of them.
But that was not all.
My parents started to argue more and mama started to act weirder,
Mom seemed to be getting quieter by the day and getting more sadness in her eyes.
And this got worse over the years.
Before I knew it, me and Shoto were already turning five and that meant we'll get our quirks soon.
We had a small party with the family.
Touya had given me the family photo that day.
Fuyumi and Natsuo had some books for me.
Shoto and I had given each other a bracelet.
But unfortunately I lost it.
Mom and Dad had me and Shoto a few clothes.
We had cake with soda and nice drinks.
But Dad wasn't really involved in the party but kept a close eye on me and Shoto.
And soon understood why.
The room slowly started to get cold but also super warm.
My father's eyes then widened and looked first at me and then at Shoto.
I followed his eyes and then looked at Shoto too.
I was shocked when I saw him.
He was on fire on one side and had ice on his body on the other.
He looked at me frightened and shook.
I got up and wanted to walk towards him when Touya stopped me.
I looked at him but he shook his head.
I tried to break free but Touya is much stronger.
I gave up and looked at Shoto.
He still looked at me scared.
I started to hope it would stop soon and to my surprise it stopped.
I sighed with relief and heard clapping.
I looked towards the clapping and saw my father with a big grin.

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