part 39

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y/n's p.o.v.

"Well little one that starts right now and guess who will start with Truth or Dare." Touya said.

I gulped and looked intently to Katsuki for help.
He threw up his hands and signaled to keep him out.
I then looked at Kurogiri's and Mr. Compress's side but they had suddenly disappeared.

"Well little one, it looks like you're about to start the game. Oh and to make it more exciting. Anytime you don't want to do or answer something you grab a special shot from the bar. So my sweet little sister .. Truth or Dare? ~ "

I looked at Touya with those eyes that said 'why me' and he just turned gray.
I shook my head and got up to walk away.
But when I got to the door and opened it, I was immediately taken back to the other.
I looked at the LOV people and they now had an even bigger smile on their faces than before I got up.
I then looked at the door and saw one of Kurogiri's portals.
I should have known I couldn't get rid of it so easily.
But I never thought such a portal would put up to stop me.
Probably Tomaru or Toga came with that since they wanted Katsuki and I to get together.
Which I personally don't think is going to happen but it would be nice.
But again it will probably never happen, because Katsuki could never like me.
I looked at Touya again pleading but he shook his head that I wouldn't get out of it.
I sigh and just gave up.
I looked Touya in the eye and answered him.

"Because I don't trust you in these things for any reason, purely because of your look, my big brother, I choose truth.

Toga, Twice and Tomura started to laugh and Katsuki gave me a confused look.
I rolled my eyes and waited for Touya to finally ask me the question.
What I didn't realize was that Touya's grin was now all over his ears.
And that means nothing good believe me.
When Touya has a big grin on his face it becomes a dangerous game.

"Okey then little one, if you could cuddle someone up for two hours who would it be?" Touya asked.

To be honest, this question wasn't too bad, but why do I feel like he did this on purpose.
That he was planning something bigger.
But I didn't have to worry about that and answered calmly.

"Probably with you or Katsuki. With you because you are my brother and we have done it more often when we had difficult times. And with Katsuki because I feel safe with him and he is always there for me."

I looked at Katsuki and a red tint on his face as he said "Tch".
I heard Toga say 'aaw' and Tomura e Twice played with their eyebrows.
Sometimes I really wonder what kind of friends I have.
But I do feel safe with them for some reason.
They may be villains, but they are also just humans in this regard.
And I feel free in a way, even more free than at the beginning with my new family ..
I may not think like that, but I do.
I am super happy with my new family but they expect so much from me and think so highly of me that it seems I have no choice to choose that path.
But that might be because Enji also wanted me to take that path and was never really happy with it.
Purely because he wanted me to be the number one hero and to train me so I could reach his goal.
And maybe with this truth or dare I can find out what I want and where I really feel like myself.
So let's ask the one and only leader of this group next.

"Tomura Truth or dare?"

He didn't hesitate for a second and answered.

"Truth!" he said quickly.

I giggled and nodded.

"Okey .. uhm maybe not the best time to ask but why did you accept me so quickly. Because it's probably not just because I'm Dabi's sister. You know late but I'm asking something else-"

"No, I want to answer this question. Because I think you should find out worse and I will therefore answer honestly."

I looked at him in surprise and could not say anything.
He sighed and started talking again.

"If I'm honest, it was from the beginning that I liked you and wanted you to come here. The moment you came across me without fear and approached me like a normal person and said you wanted to see me again. was a moment for me when I saw you as a person who was different and didn't really see villians as bad people but as an equal in a different way of life.At least that's what your eyes and your smile said when we stood against each other. The fact that you let me go and used yourself to make it seem like you were defeated to keep my honor great says a lot about you. Since then I have already accepted you. Even though you are part of the hero's side always be someone I would accept Because we are friends And even if you ever have to choose and take the hero's side you're always welcome to come here And maybe even join later And that's your answer N / N. " said Tomura with a smile.

I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes were watery.
I almost didn't believe what I just heard and I think I watched him in disbelief.
Before I knew the tears were really running down my cheeks.
I saw everyone from the LOV looking at me with a smile and I immediately understood that they thought the same as Tomura.
I smiled back and felt someone pull me towards themselves.
When I looked at the person I saw Katsuki with a gloomy face.
He wiped my tears and gave me a hug.
I didn't wait seconds and immediately gave him a hug back and calmed myself down.

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