part 12

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Y / n's .p.o.v.

It was the next day and Daddy had dropped me and Shinso off at school today.
Shoto arrived a little later today and that is why he had not joined us now.
Shinso and Daddy were walking through the back entrance while I was waiting for Shoto at the main entrance when suddenly a whole group of people came up to me.
They were reporters and a lot of them.
I wanted to walk away when one of the reporters stopped me.

"Hey girl can you tell us about working with All might?

"Working with him is amazing. He's one of the best people I know and I would never know what to do without him or the other pro heros." I said with a big smile.

I heard people say "aww" and everyone smiled at me.

"Can we maybe ask you some more questions?"

I nodded with a smile.

"What is All might teaching here? And what is your name?"

"My name is Y / n and All might is training us heroes."

"What have you done with him so far?"

"We learned how to put a villian inside a building. And how to use our quirks in a good way."

"Mrs. Y / n who do you think other good heroes outside of All might?"

“If I have to tell you the truth my two favorite heroes are Eraser Head and Present Mic.
But that is because they are people safe in the evenings while they are not that popular. But that again proves that you don't have to be popular to be real heroes. "

"Oh Ms Y / n you are so nice and sincere." one of the reporters said with a laugh.

"Okey that's enough you bothered her enough for this day." someone said in a deep voice. I recognized the voice and smiled.

I leaned over to the reporters.

"I'm sorry but Mr. Aizawa is right. I have to go to class soon.
I hope I have been able to help you with your questions and have a good day, "I said with a smile.

"You certainly did, Mrs. Y / n. Thanks."

I went inside the gate smiling.

"Thanks Daddy I didn't know how I would get away without you."

"I noticed. You're way too nice to people. And way too nice to our family. I heard what you said about me and Hizashi." he said.

"Everything I say is true. I can't imagine better heroes than you two. You saved me."

I laughed and he did the same.

"You are really too good for this world." he said, laughing.

We arrived at the class.

"Okey little star you go in first then I'll come in five minutes later." he said.

I nodded and took the handle and opened the door.
I walked in and then bumped into someone and fell to the floor.

"Oh L / n are you okay?" Kirishima asked.

He held out his hand and I hesitated to take him.
I took a deep breath and took his hand.

"I'm s-sorry for b-bumping into y-you K-kirishima .." I said panicked.

"Don't worry L / n it's fine." he said quietly.

"H-hey d-do you k-know where Shoto i-is."

"Oh Todoroki is in the back of the classroom." he pointed back and I saw Shoto talking to Izuku.

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