part 31

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Katsuki's .p.o.v. (Yes honey finally!)

I was running looking for those pathetic people called villains.
Even if they just said they were looking for me, I don't care.
If they want to, they can come and get me!
I don't care what they do I'm not going down without a fight!
I ran and ran looking for one of those damn villains when all of a sudden weird gray things came to me.
Well damn!
I had no time to dodge and closed my eyes for a little second but felt nothing and then saw an ice wall in front of me.

“Goddamnit Bakugo don't go rushing carelessly into anything!” A well-known bastard shouted at me.

"Shut up Icy-hot!"

"Haven't you heard her before! You're the one they want !!" He shouted.

"That damn Deku did something! I just know it! And I don't care! If they want to fight I will fight!"

I jumped out from behind the ice wall and tried to attack the person in front of us but was stopped by those stupid gray things.
Icy-hot quickly made another wall for us and sighs loudly.

"You freak!" I shouted.

I made a mega fireball and fired it at him.
The fireball moved towards him in a quick motion but was stopped with one of those weird gray things.
I was just about to attack him again when suddenly a green light went his way.
It was that idiot Deku.
He was here again supposedly to save the day.

"Goddamnit Deku !!!"

I started running in the direction that child was going.
That other idiot was my rival in this fight and he had to intervene again.
I heard that other crazy person Icy-hot chasing me too.
I couldn't squint but it really wasn't necessary.
I arrived at Deku and saw him throw a person on his back while the weird man from just lying on the ground.

"Damn you Deku! This was my fight!"

"Kacchan, that's not important right now! You have to get out of here whether you want to or not! Do you think she would like it if you were caught now!
She's probably already waiting for you to come back! ”He shouted.

I shook my head and grunted.

"No Deku damnit! They already got Y / n! So I'll fight to get her back!"

Deku stopped me and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Bakugo! What happened to my sister !!" a voice shouted behind us.

"I'll tell you later! Damnit!"

"No Bakugo hurry up and start talking!" Icy-hot shouted.

Deku stepped in between us.

"Guys stop! We gotta get out of here before more villains come! We'll talk about Y / n later !! We gotta get out of here safely first!" he shouted.

I growled and Icy-hot sighs but nodded.
That stupid nerd then smiled at us and started walking again.
Icy-hot quickly followed behind the stupid nerd.
And I reluctantly followed it when I was suddenly pulled back and everything went black and all I heard were voices.

"Where is Kacchan ?!" Deku shouted.

"The boy your talking about..I took him with my magic..This talent isn't someone that should be on the hero side..We'll take him to a side were he can shine more ..."

"What is this damn idot saying ?!"

"But taking that Tokoyami guy was an improvisation on my part..Moonfish that man that attacked him..He may not look like it, but he's a cutthroat on death row appeal was dismissed..With a violent nature that trampled that cutthoat one. sidely..I decided he was good too .. "

"This guy thinks Tokoyami is on the same level as me, what a joke!"

"You bastard! Don't take them!"

"I'm sorry people but I have to go now .. Wouldn't want to fail too mission right. Goodbye gentlemen."

Suddenly it was quiet.
There was not a rotting noise outside the bubble.
And it drives me crazy.
I want to smash this thing like the guy who put me in here.
But suddenly the bubble cracked and a man held me by the neck.
I recognized the man.
He was the one who took Y / n.
I was pulled into a hole and saw you running towards me.
And before I was pulled in, I said something I never expected to say to that idiot.

"Don't come deku!"

And after those words everything went black again ..

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