part 36

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Y / n's .p.o.v.

It's been a few months now and I feel like this is going to be the worst month in the world.
I don't know why but my feeling just says it.
Maybe it's because Dad is going to test me today if the training works on my fire quirk.
It probably is, I don't have to worry about anything.
I shook the feeling off and went to the training room.
Father was already inside and was standing with his arms folded.

"Good that you are finally there too Y / n. But you are ten minutes late so you go on a little longer." said father.

"I'm sorry father ... I would be on time next time."

He nodded, then pointed to a table.
Candles and chandeliers were on the table.
I walked to the table and then looked at my father questioningly.
He sighed and walked past me.

"Your test for today is to light these candles and chandeliers. And every time it goes wrong you will be punished."

I nodded and turned to the candles.
I closed my eyes and started the test.
I just hope this goes well.

-Time skip (I'm sorry I do so many time skips in the flashback of the past .....) -

The test was over and I was ravaged by the punishments Father gave.
Father had already left and let me clean up everything.
Not that it was anything new, but it would be nice if he helped me.
But he must have dinner with the rest.
I sigh and put the last candle away.
Then looked in at the clock and saw that they had almost finished eating and walked out of the training room.
I was walking down the hall when I suddenly heard someone scream loudly in pain.
I ran that way and saw my mother standing over Shoto with a kettle.
I clapped my hands in front of my mouth so I wouldn't scream.
My mother just poured boiling water over my brother.
I could not believe my eyes and did not dare to look away or walk.
I was petrified.
I shook my head violently and kept staring at the two in front of me.
I kept staring as I took a hand on my shoulder six feet into the air.
I heard chuckles and turned around.
I stared into someone's blue eyes and pounted.

"Touya really needed that ..."

He nodded and took my hands.

"Yes it was necessary .. You are suffering too much if you keep watching. Come on, we have to talk about it." he said rather seriously.

I nodded and let him take me to my room.
we sat on my bed and he looked at me super serious.
He let go of me and sighed.

"Y / n ..... I'm leaving here today ..."

"Wait..What ..."

"I'm sorry, but that's why I want to ask you something ..."

I looked at him quizzically and gulped.

"Y / n ... why don't you come with me ... Get away from this place and build a new life with no rules and you're free to do anything.
So come with me .. Then we can start something new together .. "

"I ..... I-"

"Please y / n ...."

I shook my head and tears came to my eyes.

"No ... I..I can't ... please Touya ..."

He looked at me sadly as tears came from my eyes.

"I- .. I want to w-wait a l-little longer .... I-if I'm still here when I'm sixteen ... C-come g-get me ... okay?"

"Are you sure Y / n ..? And what if I come and get you and I'm the greatest villain in the world ..?"

I nodded and smiled.

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