Part 2

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He sighs.

"Okey listen I'm going to ask you some questions and I want an honest answer ... Understood!"

You nodded and swallowed.

"Who are you ... and why do you have a picture of me and my family with you on it?"

You closed your eyes and sigh.

"M-my name is Y / N Todoroki .... and I am your twin sister ..."

He looked at you with unbelieving eyes.

"And why have I never seen you before?"

"Father Enji said I won't be able to see you anymore ... because then I would get weak and not become the number one hero ... You can ask him if you want but ... I don't know how your band with him ... since mine isn't great ... "

He looked at me with shocking eyes now.

"Okey if you are really my twin sister what are the names of your brothers and sister and parents and our birthday?"

"Our birthday is on ... January the eleventh. And our family consists of: Enji Todoroki and Rei Todoroki are my parents and my sister is called Fuyumi and my brothers are called Natsuo, Shoto and ... T-touya ... but those disappeared..."

He sighs.

"Last question ... what happens to my eye and mother ..?"

You started trembling and tears came to your eyes.

"M-mom threw h-hot water over you and was then taken to a crazy house ..."

Tears started to run down your cheeks and he looked at you with wide eyes.

"I didn't do anything ... I couldn't do anything ..."

He got up and gently hugged me with hesitation.

"It's all right ... I don't know if I believe but I would do my best .."

You nodded and gave him a hug back.

"Hey..Shoto .."


"Are you also going to the school entrance test. From the UA school of heroes?"

He looked into your eyes and nodded.

"Let me guess you had no choice .."

He nodded again and released.
He looked out the window and sighed.

"Hey if you want I can introduce you to the other ..."

You were shocked and shook your head violently.

"Enji said that only you should know about me ... since you've been in my room .."

"Oh ... okay..Hey if you want you can stay here today. Some kind of slumber party or whatever they call it."

You nodded and said you were going to get your things out of your room.
He nodded and said he would help you.
You walked into your room and got clothes for tomorrow and your sleeping gear.
You walked out with Shoto when you had everything and went back to his room.
Shots put your things against the wall and you did the same.
You sat on the bed and you looked at the floor.

"What shall we do ... Shoto? I have no idea what you're doing at a slumber party .."

"We can ..... play a game on my computer."

"Sounds nice .. but what is a computer .."

He looked at you wide-eyed.

"You don't know what a computer is ... What have you been doing in that room all this time ..."

"Especially trying to master my powers, reading and learning a lot."

"What are your quirks Y / N?"

"U-Uh I can control all elements and can also control animals .."

"That's more than me and our siblings ... Now I get the reason he kept you back ... although I don't think that's fantastic."

You nodded.

"Let's stop this topic and play that game on the so-called computer."

He nodded and took his laptop from his desk and sat down next to you.
He started up a game called minecraft and started building things.
You looked at the screen with disbelief.

"This is so cool Shoto-kun."

He laughed and gave you the computer.

"Try is. With the arrows you move and with the mouse you change the direction and you can place things."

You nodded and started to play.
In the beginning you often died but after two hours you started to notice.
You and Shoto made a big hotel together with a big garden.
And you have put 7 dogs and cats in the garden.
After three hours you started to yawn and your eyes closed.
Shoto looked up and laughed.

"Y / n I think it's time we went to bed."

You nodded and asked Shoto where you would sleep.

"I just think in bed with me. If you don't mind."

You shook your head and said it was good.
You put on your pajamas and lay down next to each other.

"goodnight Shoto."

"Goodnight Ani-san."

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