part 17

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y / n's .p.o.v


Shinso, Shoto and Dad Mic let go of me and looked up at the person just like me.

"Good evening Enji. It's good to see you." I said in a sarcastic voice, rolling my eyes.

He looked at me with furious eyes and walked my way.


"That I was not allowed to do that sir, but since I no longer live under your house and no longer have a Todoroki surname I don't have to listen to that line. I'm sorry Enji." I said confidently.

"You! -" he raised his hand and moved him to hit me.

Her hand moved to my face but was stopped by someone.
I was shaking and tears came from my eyes.
I looked at the person who stopped his hand and saw ...
Natsuo ..

"You have no right to touch her!" he said angrily.

"He's right father! You have hidden something big from us and you can't fix it!" Fuyumi said irritably.

His eyes lit up when he heard that.

"Who do you think I am huh !! If I'm right I'm your father !!" Enji said furiously.

"I'm sorry Enji but not everyone here is your children. If I am correct, there are two children here with the surname Aizawa. And if you cannot respect that then I should report it! And especially since you got one of them. and treated badly! So if I were you I'd just take that hand away! " Dad Mic said sternly and justly.

Enji grunted at Dad and slowly lowered his hand.
I then looked at my Dad and smiled at him.
He did the same and then sat down again.

"Mister Enji if you don't mind I would like to eat, but if you don't like it then me and my family will go to my room and put our things down since we've been here tonight." I said quietly.

For some reason he grinned and nodded.

"Do that, but we will call you when we are really ready." he said less irritated.

I bowed before leaving the room.
I picked up my bag and Shinso's bag from the floor and went up the stairs.
I heard Dad mic and Shinso get up and walk behind me.

"Hey Kitten .... why do you accept what he does with you .." Shinso asked slowly.

"That is entirely due to the fact that she wants to protect her brothers and sister or not little one?" Dad said.

I nodded, then pointed to the (f / c) door at the end of the hall.

"That was my old room, we can put our stuff there."

She nodded and walked to the room.

"I'll be right there, I have to get something out of Shoto's room."

They nodded again.
They entered my room and waited for me.
I went to Shoto's room and opened the door.
I smiled as I walked in.
I looked around the room and saw my (favorite animal) plushie on Shoto's bed.

"So he sleeps with my stuffed animal when I'm not there. That's super cute." I said with a smile.

I went to his bed and picked up the stuffed animal.

"I'm sorry Shoto, but today I really want my hug." I said.

I walked out of the room to my room and opened my door.
I saw my brother and Dad looking at my room with twinkling eyes.

"I see you like my room." I said laughing.

They nodded quickly and had a look around.

"I know this is a stupid place, but your room is a beautiful kitten." Shinso said.

"I know. I decorated this room with Touya and Mother. I think that was about two years before Mother was sent away and Touya walked away."

"That's wonderful y / n. I hear they cared about you a lot." said Dad Mic.

"That's right and I care about them a lot. I'd like to see them again ... Especially Touya.
I'm sure when I see him I would recognize him even if he looks different. "

"Hey Kitten if you don't mind where's your mom?" Shinso asked.

"My mom was put in a crazy house by Enji .. I think it is somewhere around here .. I would like to go there."

Shinso nodded, then looked at Dad.
They grinned and I looked at them confused.
they sighed and stopped grinning.
I shook my head and heard someone open the door.
I looked up and saw Shoto standing there.

"Hey imouto-san dinner is ready. Are you coming?" Shoto asked.

"Oki Shoto-no."

We walked out of the room into the dining room.
Enji sat at the top of the table.
Natsuo and Fuyumi sat on the right side of the table and me and my family sat down with Shoto on the left.
I looked at what had been made and sparkled my eyes.


Shoto laughed and nodded.

"I asked Natsuo to make it and we'll have dessert too." Shoto said, laughing.

"THANK YOU NATSUO!" I said with a smile.

He nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Okay now that everyone is there, we can start with dinner. So easy." Fuyumi said.

Everyone nodded and began to eat.
I took my first bite and moaned with pleasure.

"Natsou..this is so good! Shoto why didn't you say he could cook so nicer mhpf .."

They laughed but stopped when Enji started growling.
They sighed and resumed eating.
After a few minutes we were done and Fuyumi and I cleared the table.

"Thanks for your help y / n."

"Don't worry, Fuyumi. That's the least I can do. And since I can't wait for dessert I thought why don't I help."

They laughed.

"Wow you are exactly Touya ..." they sigh when she said the name.

"Hey Fuyumi not so glum. It's true. Touya and I were together almost all day when we had time and took my behavior from him. But that was not what this conversation was about. I WANT MY DESSERT SO COME ON FUYUMI!"

They laughed again and we walked trug to the dining room and saw dishes covering the plates.
Me and Fuyumi quickly sat down.

"Okey now that everyone is here you can get those things up." Natsuo said.

I did as he said and then saw what was underneath.
My mouth fell open and my eyes twinkled.
What was under the lid were waffles with ice cream and fruit.

"Wow ..." I and Shinso said contradictingly.

We laughed when we did and I looked at Natsuo happily.

"Natsuo you really have to do something with your cooking skills boy." Shonso said to him.

"Who knows one day." Natsuo said quietly.

He nodded to us that we could eat.
I took a bite and felt the sensation play in my mouth.
I ate the food slowly so that I could enjoy it.
We had finished eating and Shoto was now clearing the table.
Enji said we could now get what we wanted and Dad Mic said goodbye to me and Shinso.
We hugged him and waved him off as he drove off.

"Well who's ready for an official brother and sister sleepover!" Fuyumi shouted.

We laughed and nodded.

"Then let's go to my old room." I said with a smile.

She nodded and we went there.

"Maybe this will be a good night." I thought to myself.

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