part 27

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Aizawa's .p.o.v

I saw Y / n slowly sink through her legs when she was behind the gate.
It seemed as if all the energy had been sucked out of her.
I didn't think for a second and ran to her.
She started to fall behind and I quickly threw my scarf in her direction to catch her.
She fell on the scarf and I sigh with relief.
I ran on to my daughter and took her in my arms.
I looked at Y / n and checked if she was hurt anywhere.
She had a few bruises on her arms and legs and a few other wounds on her body.
I knew Toshinori had gone too far on her and those two problem children.
I picked her up and slowly put her on my back so that I could take her to Shuzenji to heal her wounds.
I then heard footsteps rapidly heading my way and saw Hizashi running towards us.
I saw the look in his eyes and knew he was very worried.

"Shota! What happened! Is she okay !?" he asked anxiously.

I looked him in the eye and nodded.

"Don't worry she's okay, but I'm going to kill that so-called hero for the wounds he gave her. He went way too far .."

Hizashi nodded, then looked at Y / n.
He sighed and said I'd better go to recovery girl.
He said he would pass it on to the rest and address All might just as well.
I had to gray when he said the latter and nodded.
I then quickly walked on to Shuzenji and Hizashi quickly walked to the other teachers.
I don't know how fast I was running but I was soon at the hospital.
I knocked on the door and walked in.
Recovery girl looked at me confused until she saw Y / n on the back of my back.
She didn't even think for a second and pulled me in and told me to put Y / n on one of the beds.
Shuzenji then walked to the lockers to pack things and I put Y / n on the bed next to me.
Shuzenji came back with some bandages and ointments and started helping Y / n.
It didn't take long for her to finish and look at me.

"How is my daughter Shuzenji ..?" I said worried.

"She's okay Aizawa don't worry. She might wake up any minute. But for now we have to let her rest." she said.

I nodded and she started to leave the room.
I looked at Y / n one more time and sighed before leaving the room to let her rest.

Y / n's .p.o.v.

"How is my daughter Shuzenji ..?" I heard a distant voice say.

"She's okay Aizawa don't worry. She might wake up any minute. But for now we have to let her rest." said the other voice.

I heard the footsteps disappear and filled myself and wanted to know where I was quickly.
I tried to open my eyes when I heard my father's name but it was difficult.
But I kept trying and after a few seconds I saw a very bright light.
The light was blurry but getting brighter and clearer.
Behind the light were white walls and appliances.
I started to move up and put my hands next to me for support.
My arms did hurt and I bit my tongue.
After a few minutes I finally sat up really straight and looked around the room.
The room was white with beds and cupboards.
I soon knew where I was and sighed.
I have made it difficult for the Grandma recovery girl and my dads again.
I sighed and then looked at myself.
I had bandages all over my arms and legs and a bandage on my face.
All these things tickled and I couldn't take it very well.
I grabbed the bandage and started pulling it off my body.
I also heard the door open slowly as I was working on my bandage and looked up.
I saw my father looking at me with calm eyes and a grin.

"We can never leave you alone whether you're doing something dangerous or not little one. You really need to be more careful. You'll give me a heart attack again." he said, shaking his head.

I giggled.

"Sorry daddy, sometimes I make it too difficult for you. But I have to say it was really worth it. Uncle All Might and I had a good time and Izuku and Katsuki ourselves. But next time you really have to go to grandma say to keep this bandage off my body. It's really nasty stuff bandage.

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