part 38

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Y/n's .p.o.v.

I sent the last message and grinned happily.
Today's new lesson.
You can entice Katsuki with a challenge or if something is said about him that ruins his ego.
I then put my phone away and decided to go to sleep quickly to be in top shape tomorrow.

- the next day-

It was 11.30am and I was getting ready for the party.
I talked to Katsuki a few minutes ago and he's still talking about proving he's not a wimp.
And that he would do whatever it takes.
To be honest, I am quite curious what his limits would be this evening.
And I am also curious how we will play.
Because I'm sure it's not just questions that will be asked.
In any case, it will be an interesting evening.
Something is going to happen today anyway, what difference does that make.
Today I can put my thoughts aside of what to do tomorrow, following Sasaki.
Although I don't know if that will work out completely, but I hope it will.
Because otherwise I could ruin the whole evening in one go and I don't want that.
I want to have a nice evening with my friends, Touya and Katsuki.
And since Sasaki released me, I don't have to come back from the party in time.
I looked at the clock and saw it was 12.05 am and decided to go downstairs to wait for Katsuki.
Of course after I say goodbye to everyone in the dining room.
Where they probably are now.
I walked into the dining room and saw everyone sitting at the table and turning to me when I entered.

"Ah y / n, I was wondering when you came to say hello. But I wouldn't hold you up too long." Sasaki said gray.

I giggled and nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to say goodbye before but I was getting ready for my day off. And I have to go quickly or else the people I've met will wait."

"I get it, you don't want to keep Bakugo waiting, right?" he said, still graying.

I turned red and looked away.

"S-sasaki! Stop it!"

He started to laugh and Mirio and Izuku looked at us in surprise.
As if they've never heard him laugh.
Which is also the case since he doesn't open up to people as quickly as he trusts you.
And even now that he knows my entire past and ways, he still trusts me.
I looked at him and smiled.

"Then I'll go. Have a nice day everyone. Oh and Izuku I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully."

I looked at Izuku and he nodded.
I knew he would follow me tomorrow wherever I go.
Purely because he wants to know what my choice will be tomorrow.
I waved to the boys and went downstairs to the dining room.
I walked out of the building and saw a famous blonde young walking impatiently up and down the door.
I shook my head and walked towards him.

"Ohayo Katsuki!"

Katsuki stopped walking in a second and looked at me.
He came my way and suddenly started to milkshake me.

"Oi Brat! You have two minutes late and you told me to hurry up! And then you're late yourself!" he said.

"Sorry, I have to say goodbye to Sir Nighteye first."

"Fine, but next time you'll be on time!"

I nodded and saluted.


I put my hand down and took my phone out of my pocket.
I looked at the time and saw that it was 12.50am and that Katsuki and I were late.
Heh, just twenty minutes.

"Um Katsuki we are a bit behind schedule so we better go."

"And where are we supposed to be, Brat?"

"Follow me."

He nodded and we started walking towards the alley where I had met Eri yesterday.
We walked into the alley and I made sure no one was following or around us.
When I was sure no one was there, I opened my phone and texted Touya that we are there.
Touya didn't reply, but suddenly a large purple portal came in front of us.
I shake my head about my brother's laziness.
He can't even text me back, that's too bad for words.
I started to chuckle and shake my head.

"Oi Brat ?! Do we stand there for a long time or do we enter the portal?" he said irritably.

"okay let's go then Katsuki."

He nodded in satisfaction and we entered the portal.
I knew it was because he wanted to prove he's not a wimp but I've never seen him so belligerent.
Not even when he had a fight with Izuku.
It's quite funny to see him so motivated.
But I have to keep in mind that his anger or irritation line is a little shorter than normal.
And I don't want to know what's going to happen then I guess.
It will probably kill me if I did that.
So today I'm going to promise myself not to get involved in the Bakuboom zone.
Although I know that the game itself would go beyond Katsuki's Bakuboom zone.
Because yeah, my brother is there.
And I don't trust Shiggy and Toga today either.
three are gonna kill me when it comes to blushing and embarrassment.
But we will only find out when we get there.
And that is now.
We entered the portal and the first thing we saw was the following.
A dancing Toga and Twice.
A Tomura crying in a corner together with his hands.
Touya laughing at Tomura and trying to steal his hands.
And Kurogiri and Mr. Compress shaking their heads in irritation or shame.
In fact, I think it is both.
I looked at Katsuki and he did the same.
He looked just as confused as I did and couldn't get a word spoken.
We really had no idea what's going on here.
I then pointed to Kurogiri and walked his way.
Katsuki quietly followed me while he looked at the other.
We arrived at Kurogiri and I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Uhm hey Kurogiti, Mr. Compress. What's going on here?"

The two parental persons turned to us and sighed.

"Well y / n they were waiting for you when Dabi made a 'funny' comment to Shigaraki and made him cry. And Toga and Twice are just Toga and Twice. So for those two of you it's just a normal day Actually, everything that happens here is normal. But if you could please help stop them that would be fantastic. " Kurogiri said.

I nodded and said they better cover their ears for a while.
They immediately did what I told them to do and I walked to the center of the room.
I learned two things about dealing with brothers.
One never leaves your phone lying around when you hide something from them.
And two make them fear you when you are angry or irritated.
So let's go chase them for a moment.
I started to gray and started my fantastic idea.


There was a great silence and it seemed as if time stood still, because nobody moved.
But then really no one.
I sighed and sat quietly on a stool by the bar waiting for the other.
And I didn't even blink before they all stood in front of me and apologized.
I started to laugh and rolled my eyes.

"Excuses accepted, but Katsuki and I are here to improve a party. So when is it going to start?"

Toga, Twice and Touya looked at each other and started to grin.
And Tomura rubbed his hands.

"Well little one that starts right now and guess who will start with Truth or Dare." Touya said.

I gulped and looked intently to Katsuki for help.
He threw up his hands and signaled to keep him out.
I then looked at Kurogiri's and Mr. Compress's side but they had suddenly disappeared.

"Well little one, it looks like you're about to start the game. Oh and to make it more exciting. Anytime you don't want to do or answer something you grab a special shot from the bar. So my sweet little sister .. Truth or Dare? ~ "

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