Final part

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y/n's .p.o.v.

I now saw insecurity in the heroes and I just nodded to them.
But when I did, 5 hands shot up in the air.
They were from Momo, Shoto, Iida, Hawks and Dad Mic.
I looked at Momo and nodded to let her start.
She nobbed and started.

"Y / n have you ever felt as happy with us as with them and if not why?"

I knew Momo was a good detective so I already knew she probably had one of the best questions and was giggling.

"Momo if I'm honest I never wanted to be a hero in the beginning .. I came to UA purely because Enji wanted that and not myself. But I always have a good time family at UA, but I always thought back to how I actually got there, but I still felt safe with you because my father and brothers were around and because I had friends like Katsuki and Izuku, after a while I felt a little more at home but never complete. Although I am very happy with my new family and new home, I always think they would never have let me in if I was not in such a living situation as then. And actually, it is. "

She nodded easily and gave me a small smile.

"Young Y / n .." I heard All Might say.

I looked his way and shook my head that nothing was wrong and he sighed with apologetic eyes.

I then looked at Iida and signaled that it was his neighborhood.
He saluted and then looked at my brother.

"Uhm Dabi and Shigaraki if I'm correct right?"

Touya and Tomura nodded and looked at Iida without tension.

"How did you react when you first saw y / n as a hero." Iida asked.

They looked at each other and smiled and Tomura started.

"You all know how I met y / n but what you don't know is I never beat y / n but she let me win. She saw me as an equal and had fun when she faced me and I had same thing. I've never felt that way with anyone from your side except her. She's special and you can tell right away. " said Tomura, looking at Iida without a change in his face.

Touya then quickly took over.

"Y / n and I have always had a bond and would do anything for each other and would know right away if the other was up against them.
When I visited my mom she was there too and when I showed myself she immediately knew it was me and started to cry. "

"HEY !!" I screamed while punting.

Touya chuckled, then continued.

"Anyway since that day every time she visited our mother I was there and told each other everything. She knew I was in LOV but didn't hate me because she still saw me as her big brother who always protects her. And I was especially happy when I heard that she was out of that damned house .. I have to thank you eraserhead and present Mic .. You have saved my little sister from our damned father. "

My fathers were now looking at him with wide eyes.

"You're welcome ..." they both said slowly.

Touya gave them a small smile and then looked at me that he was done.
I then looked at Hawks and he nodded at me.

"This is actually for all of you. What have you all done to keep each other's secrets?" he asked.

"Well that's pretty easy. I let myself be taken by my brother and made people think that I was in danger. Even though I was that day when suddenly the hideout was beaten up. But actually the training camp was the only time I had to do something to protect myself and the other. "

"If it was light on our side, I think it was also that day. We had to pretend we were attacking Bakugo and y / n when the UA students came to rescue them. Furthermore, we never really had a moment when it was necessary. is precisely the case that we protected each other more than kept our secrets. " Touya said quietly.

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