part 36

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y/n's .p.o.v.

I walked down the hall and indeed saw everyone sitting at the table on the way, well I thought so at least.
Because out of nowhere I was suddenly tapped on my shoulder.
I was startled and jumped into the air.
Everyone was eating at the table, right?
Who could be here and why?
Please tell me it's someone from the servants.
Hoping for the best...
I gulped and slowly began to turn to the person behind me.
But as I did, I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers.
I was really afraid of who I would see and what would happen.
I was finally completely turned around and slowly opened my eyes.
I saw someone appear with red hair and a smile on his face.
It was Touya !!
I sighed in relief and smiled at him.

"H-hey Touya ....." I said softly.

"Hey little one, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you eat with the rest?" he asked me.

I shook my head and tears came to my eyes.

"No ... I'll eat later. But now I have to grab something from Shoto's room .... See you later!"

Before he could respond, I turned quickly and ran to Shoto's room and slipped inside.
No one was in and I looked around the room at my photo.
I looked over to my side of the room and saw a lot of boxes and my bed was gone.

-Wow .. it seems like I have never been here .. or have existed ..- I thought to myself.

I walked over to the boxes and began to look inside.
As I thought my things were in the boxes and the photo was in a box along with clothes.
There were also new sports clothing.
I decided to take a hug from my box that I really wanted to bring
I decided to bring a (f / animal) plushie that I got from Shoto.
I put it in the box of clothes and started to lift the box.
The box was quite heavy and I almost fell to the floor when I lifted it.
But I bit my lip and shook off the feeling of the box.
I walked out of the room and looked around to see if there really was anyone.
I looked left and right and nodded when I saw no one was there.
I sigh with relief and started walking back to my new room.
I passed the dining room and saw that slowly but surely everyone had finished eating.
And now I looked carefully to see if everyone was there, but I saw that Touya was still not there.
I was quite confused but I just kept walking and went to my room.
I arrived in my new room and put the stuff on the floor.
I closed the door behind me.
I looked around the room and that everything in the room was even emptier than I thought.
All there was was the bed I woke up in with a cupboard to put some clothes in.
I sighed and was happy that I had gotten new stuff some time ago.
Because I don't think I would survive with this alone.
I looked at the box on the floor and decided to put my things away for now.
It did not make much sense, because according to the tablet I will receive all my stuff tomorrow.
But because I have nothing else to do, I just decided to do it.
I opened the box and smiled a little when I saw the photo.

There is at least one thing I have about my whole family.

I picked up the photo frame and walked to the window of the room.
I put the frame down on the windowsill.
I put all the clothes in the closet and put my plushie on my bed.
I lay down on the bed and picked up the tablet and looked at everything I could do on the thing.
There were a lot of apps to get things and nothing to do for myself.
Father had blocked all possibilities and only shopping with this thing was possible.
I sighed and knew I had to wait until tomorrow to finally do something.
I put the tablet down and lay on the bed.

-Maybe I better go to sleep ... Then soon it will be tomorrow again. - I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes and let myself slowly fall into the darkness when it was suddenly disturbed by a creaking sound.
I thought it was just a noise that came with the room.
So I shook it off and tried to get back into my sleep trans.
But I really couldn't do it at all.
I then opened my eyes again and sat up straight.
I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room.
I looked from right to left and was shocked when I looked to my left.
There seemed to be some kind of figure standing by my bed.
I got shivers down my spine and gulped.
I slowly started to hide under my blanket a bit when I saw that.
I was five ... what do you expect.
I thought at the time it was a monster or something.
I then heard chuckles or something from the side I was just looking at.
That smile was pretty familiar to me and I grabbed my hug and threw it to the side of the weird figure.
And I think I hit him without even looking up at the figure because I heard it say ouch.

"Damn little one was that really necessary ?!" said the voice.

I said nothing and bit my lip when the figure started to speak.
I heard the figure sigh and my bed lowered a little.

"You're not going to tell me you don't recognize your big big big brother's voice anymore?" Said the voice.

"No ......"

I felt something grab hold of me and was pulled out from under the covers.
I made a soft squeak and tried to pull away until I saw the figure's face.
I calmed down immediately when I saw it was Touya.

"T-touya ..... first your really scary ... And second why are you here tho? You can't come or be here." I said quite softly.

He clicked his tongue and patted my head.

"Well ma'am, I already felt like you were hiding something when you said you were going to Shoto's room. Because as far as I knew you were sharing a room because you're twins. So I followed you after this and waited for the best moment to make an entrance. So started by telling what's going on little one. "

I shake my head that I couldn't do that but when Touya wants something it's like asking a police officer to unleash a mean villain.
So I really cannot get out of this.
I looked at him with some kind of puppy eyes but they didn't really help either.
And after a long ten minutes of trying
I gave up.
I told him all about Dad's new rules and the fact that I can't see him or the family except Mom and Dad.
But father mainly because he wants to train me.
And that he probably won't let me go for a long time either.
And that this is all purely because of my quirk.
He looked at me with compassion and pulled me closer.

"Don't worry little one I would protect you as long as I am here and I will not leave you alone during that time," Touya said.

I was happy when he said this and I was completely up to speed with the fact that he really stuck to it.
Since the day that father found out that I have the quirk 'Elements', father immediately started a specialized training.
And it was no fun.
I often came back with wounds or bruises.
And sometimes I have broken something in my body.
But it was too bad I got over it and was helped by Touya and mom when she had the time.
The three of us have also decorated my room and the room is beautiful.
(see picture)
It is a real dream room and it is even more beautiful than I expected.
Also, I've kept Shoto in gaps since I've been in my room.
And as far as I know he doesn't have as tough training as me.
And I was happy with that.
It went pretty well after months and I had found my way around life.
Touya, me and Mom saw each other three to seven times a week every week.
Touya always secretly brought some food and drink that I could store and eat in my room.
And Mom made all kinds of duvets and pillows for my room.
But nothing remains one hundred percent peaceful ....

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