Chapter One: Time to Go.

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Zipping up the zipper on your on your duffle bag, you took one last recall on everything that you packed. Normal hygiene supplies, 6 bottles of water, mixed nuts, a change of clothes, a bit of money and a hair tie. Nothing much. Thinking on it, that's how it always was. Just nothing much.
Looking down to your wrist you check the time. "Only 9 in the morning. Still plenty of time to catch the bus." It was finally time for a new chapter in your life; and this time, it would be made of only your decisions.
You laugh to yourself as you open the door and run down the tall flight of stairs, feeling the cool and crisp January weather on your skin. "Good thing I wore my (F/C) jacket." You think to yourself as continue to descend. You start thinking to yourself while on the jog to the bus stop. "This time things will be different. I'm lucky I have the chance to start over again. With the Hunter Exam, I will be able to travel all over the place, and maybe then I'll find something I'm truly passionate about." You smile at the thought.
Yes. You wanted something to be proud of. Something to call your own. Something you would never be bored by. Things never seemed to stay with you too long. Carrying some traits of a Transmuter definitely has its perks but it had its let downs too. One of those is just how fickle you were. You were always good at anything you put you mind to, yet that always was the problem. Not enough challenges. When you went to school your grades were top notch and you were captain of many activities including the Women's Volleyball and Dodgeball teams. How busy your life has been these past few years. School isn't for everyone. It's not like I was going to stay forever." And that was the truth. School wasn't what you wanted to do. It was simply a way to keep your young and frightful childhood away from your main memory, always making sure to keep that door locked.
You come to a halt at the bus stop waiting only a few minutes before getting on the bus. "Dollar seventy-five missy." You look down upon the man. Not in the best shape and definitely not the healthiest. He had a hairy double chin and by the sound of his voice he most likely smoked a pack every two days or so.
Sighing to yourself you reach into your pocket and grab the money, putting it into the slot. You quietly move to the back left hand side of the bus next to a window. You liked these seats because you could let your creativity flow. With your aura focused, you started by making many small strings, making sure to bend and bow the webs however you needed.
Looking at your work, you nod in approval as you see [your favorite animal] made from spiderwebs. You look up and out the window full of hope and happiness at a new fresh start.

Ok I didn't really know how to start this off but this is what I came up with and I sorta enjoy it. Share this with your fellow Hisoka simps and vote for it if you like it!!! Reader-Chan will meet Hisoka in the chapter after this one, so just be patient ❤️ thank you so much for reading!!

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