Chapter 11: Phase 3

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A/N: I wanted to get all of phase 3 into this chapter and I also had may ideas for it so this took me a bit longer than expected. Hope it was worth the wait!

Waking up to a buzzing alarm, I groan and turn it off, looking to the other bed across the room. (A/N: I was not going to do the one bed cliche (yet?) so sue me.) I saw Hisoka sleeping, his shirt folded on the nightstand next to him. Walking past his bed, my clothes and towel in hand, I walk into the bathroom. Shutting and locking the door behind me, I turn on the shower. Waiting for the water to heat, I check to make sure I have everything.

Walking out to grab my brush, I check to make sure Hisoka was still asleep. As I check, I notice that he doesn't have his usual makeup on. Who let him be so handsome? Handsome isn't even the right word. This man is gorgeous. 

I get in the shower, and I start thinking about my life. Sensei was so great to me. I miss her. I can only hear the beautiful song she sang to me every night until I was a teenager. She stopped singing it thinking I wouldn't want to hear her sing, but I wish she had.

Getting emotional, I start to sing the song she sang to me before bed every night.

My voice quietly cracks at the end, and I stop singing. I simply didn't have the heart to finish the song. Turning off the now lukewarm water, I step out, grabbing my towel. Going to change, I find that my clothes are no where around. Frantically checking the door, I find out that it is still locked. Unlocking the door, I open it, and see Hisoka on the edge of his bed, makeup on and hair up, smiling up at me.

"Yes?~" He said, giving me a innocent smile.

"Don't be a rat and give me my clothes."

"Oh? And what will you do if I don't? I could take your clothes with me and walk out the door."

"I- uh- well I.." I stumble over my words, trying to come up with a good enough threat. "I'll hang out with Gittarackur!" I yell out. Yea Yea that was good. He didn't seem too fond of Gittarackur yesterday. Hisoka scoffed and handed me my clothes.

"Buzz kill." He says, pouting.

"Thanks~" I say, returning his sly tone. I blow him a kiss and give a wink before closing and locking the door behind me once more. God, what an idiot.

*Hisoka's POV*

I pick the lock on Y/N's bathroom door enough to hear her voice more clearly. It was so smooth, hitting all the notes perfectly. All the way until the end. Her voice cracked, pulling me out of my trance. I put up my hair and get my makeup done quick enough, and moments later she comes out of the bathroom. 

"Yes?~" I give her a wicked innocent smile.

"Don't be a rat and give me my clothes." She answered. 

I wanted to mess with her more, I wanted  to wear down her patience and make her snap. "Oh? And what will you do if I don't? I could take these clothes with me and walk out the door."

She stumbled on her words, tightening her grip on her towel. Her towel. I actually hadn't noticed. I was too busy messing with her. Looking down at her body now, I notice that her body is actually very much to my liking. Looking back up to her face, I scan it quickly while she forms her words. Yes, indeed she was attractive.

"I'll hang out with Gittarackur!" she blurts out. I can't have that now can I?

Giving her the clothes, she tries to tease me, and shuts the door. I grab my things and walk out of her room, leaving behind a single Queen of Hearts. She really is tempting isn't she?

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