Chapter 3: Who is he?

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Authors note: This chapter is going to go to be written in a first person view so I can decide If I like it better that way. Depending on how this chapter goes, and how you like it, I'll decide if I'm going to switch to a first person POV or revert back to a 3rd person POV.

Taking in my surroundings, I notice that the people in front of me are very different than the people at the top of the city. "Hello I am Mr. Beans please take this number badge and wear it at all times.", said a small bean-person. Nodding and thanking the weird bean-like creature, I pinned it to my top. #231. Taking another look around I took a deep breath. "Best to make some friends."

I start wondering around until I saw a peculiar white haired boy drinking a juice, with a yellow and red skateboard in his left hand. He was maybe 5 foot 2 inches and looked to be around 12-14. I walked up to him, questioning if this was the right move or not. I stopped in front of him. He looked up at me. Instantly, I could tell that he could be a very nice ally by the look in his eye. That look was one I knew too well. A total despair. A lonesome look that made me want to cry.

"Can I help you?", the boy said, unbothered. Jerked out of my trance by the question and sudden forwardness, I instinctively held out my hand. "Hi, I'm {F/N} {L/N}." "Baka, he probably thinks your some freak, who just holds out their own hand and says hi like they've met a thousand times." Nonetheless, the boy throws his juice to the ground and shakes my hand. "Yo, I'm Killua. Nice to meet you, I guess."

I could tell that he was uncomfortable as well. Lightly laughing for a second I continued my attempt at an alliance.

 "That's a really neat skateboard. Do you do any complex tricks?" Killua smiled and I could easily tell that he was excited that I asked. "Yea, of course! Want me to show you one?" I only gave a nod and backed away, giving him some space to do his trick. Balancing himself on one hand, Killua did a one arm handstand, putting the skateboard on his feet. Moving his newly freed arm to give himself more stability, he bent down, pushed with a lot of force and did a little twist and twirl in the air, landing upright onto the skateboard. Amazed, I had no choice but to applaud. "That was super cool Killua, you sure do have a lot of strength in your arms huh?" He laughed and nodded, stating that he was going to get another juice.

 "Oh but Y/N, please don't take any juice from number 16. I think his name is Tonpa or something. The juice has poison in it." I nod, turning to walk away only seconds later realizing that he just said he was going to get more of it. Turning back around to ask him why he was going to get more, I noticed he was no longer there. I shrugged it off, hoping that the boy wouldn't be hurt by it.

Continuing my stroll around the very large room, I notice a large, gladiator looking man bumping into people without any apologies, only a small smirk. That quickly made me angry.

Seconds later he was upon me, not at all acknowledging my presence, bumping into me roughly. Reluctantly yet willingly, I let him bump into me. Immediately afterwards, he bumped into another tall man, with pink hair that defied gravity and face paint that looked like a clowns. He looked like some kind of jester, or maybe, a magician?

My anger took slight control as I cautiously and carefully whipped the gladiator man with my webs. They were so thin you could barely see it. This being said the amount of acid packed into the punch was very little. Wrapping my thin strings around his legs, I yanked him back while he was walking, tripping him and making him bash his head into the floor.

 I ran up, acting to be of help, until I took hold and pulled on his elf-like ears, accidently ripping some of the skin on his right ear. Crying out in pain, the man tried to stand up. Once he realized that he couldn't, I slowly leaned in on his half-detached ear, but before I could say anything, he started screaming in an agonizing pain. Knowing that this wasn't from myself, I back off, to see that his arms are disappearing. 

No not just disappearing, they were-

"My, how unusual, seems this poor mans arms have turned into flower petals. Now you see them, now you don't." Tension filled the room. Surveying the room quickly, I noticed only three people weren't on edge. Those people consisted a random man with pins in his body, the magician, and myself.

"You should be more careful, and do apologize when you bump into someone." The magician took his golden eyes off the man and placed them directly upon me. Standing up quietly I brush off my knees and gave a quick smile to the magician as he watched me walk away.

Hisoka's POV:

I watch as a man looking very dreadful walked, bumping into those as he pleased. Amused, I waited patiently for him to bump into me. He bumped into a girl behind me, and suddenly I felt a cute pinch of bloodlust. It was hidden again moments later and she had moved on top of the gladiator man, pulling his ears hard enough to rip one of them almost completely off.

 Intrigued- and wanting to gain her attention- , I quickly turned his arms into flower petals; personally one of my favorite minor tricks I do. After concluding my short speech I looked at her, yet she didn't seem to change her expression at all. As she walked off, however, she softened her expression and smiled at me before continuing to walk away. Yes, this person would become my new favorite toy~...

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