Chapter 8: Phase 2 part 1; Pigs.

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Seeing Gon, I smile widely, gesturing for him and the two boys following him to come over to me and Leorio. Turning to thank Hisoka for the help to the second phase, I notice he's gone. Man, I didn't even notice he left.

"Y/N.. are you ok? I tried to get help from Kurapika but when we got back all three of you were just gone!"

"O-oh yea well actually, Hisoka helped Leorio and I here. It was kind of sweet.." I look away, embarrassed, remembering the kiss that Hisoka and I had shared.

Kurapika started to say something, but just before he got to say a word, Leorio started to grumble, waking up after the long walk to... where ever we were. "We probably shouldn't remind Leorio that he was knocked out." Gon said. Kurapika and I shake our heads, and I wave goodbye. "I'll see you guys later! I'm going to look for Mr. Satotz!" I tell them. It wasn't a full lie. I mean, I was going to look for the examiner, but I was also going to look for Hisoka. I couldn't find his presence anywhere, so he was probably using Zetsu.

Hearing only the end of Satotz speech, he had basically said that he was leaving, as the second phase examiner would take over from here. Well I guess that solves one problem. I say to myself. Quickly looking around once more before going back to my four new friends, I notice pink hair, only for a moment, before it disappeared.

Jogging towards the sight, a tall man dressed in green walks past me, blocking my view of the hair. Accidentally bumping into him, I stop and turn, before quickly saying sorry. Turning back around to continue my chase, he grabs my wrist. Honestly offended, I turn back to him, anger clearly visible on my face. Hey wait, isn't this guy-

"Now now Gittarackur, she did give an apology." A sly voice said. Hisoka!

I didn't know why I wanted to be around him. He was my first kiss, that was supposed to be saved for someone special, that's what sensei always said. That's what I needed to find out. Is he special enough for my first kiss? I don't even know him.

"I wasn't planning on talking to her about that. I actually had a few questions for her." Gittarackur said. 

My mouth agape, I spoke up. "Well if you can talk, why didn't you just say something? I CAN hear y'know. And you can let go of my wrist too. Your grip is tight and it kinda hurts."

He let go, but the aura around the two men grew, as if they were having a silent conversation. Their eyes were locked, never breaking contact. 

"Uh guys.." They instantly broke contact and looked at me. Creepy. "Everyone is gone! They're in there listening like we should be!" I was getting angry. How upsetting is it that two grown men can't do a simple test like this one. Grabbing their hands, I yank them behind me, trudging through the overly large gates, making my way into the crowd.

"I'm going to find Gon Kurapika Leorio and Killua," I start. Gittarackur was looking at me the entire time, but I noticed he seemed to really listen when I said Killua. "So you guys kiss and make up or whatever, and quit acting like complete children!" I whisper yelled. Flicking them both in the arms, I turn and walk away, feeling both of them staring at me harshly. The fuck?

*Time skip brought to you by: Hisoka and Illumi's stare.*

Looking for the pigs was difficult

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Looking for the pigs was difficult. Not to mention the complete and utter idiots around me! Looking behind a small tree and in a bush is definitely where pigs will be, dumbasses. I say internally. Relax, Y/N, those two weirdos just have you on edge. You didn't get to examine Hisoka because Gittarackur got in your way. There isn't anything you can do about it right now though. You didn't come here to obsess over your first kiss, you came here to get your badge and kill the Phantom Troupe. I lightly laugh. I mean, who would've thought I would have my first kiss during a Hunter Exam!

After walking down a hill, I saw Gon hitting a ginormous pig in the forehead. Seeing a stampede behind them, I rush over and jump high in the air, Sending my invisible spiderwebs to hit them where Gon had. Getting the surrounding ones away from the 5 of us, the rest head towards the applicants that were looking behind trees and in bushes. 

Looking over to Gon killua Kurapika and Leorio, I bust out laughing, and they do the same. Cutting what I needed from my pig, I carry it back to the cooking station.

Hmm. I don't usually cook with pork. Chicken is usually my go to. I suppose I could always  edit a recipe and change the chicken to pork. Deciding that's what I would do, I think a few minutes for a recipe I could convert. By this time, everyone had starting roasting their pigs. If everyone does the same thing, everyone will fail. Deciding to make a braised pork in my sweet soy sauce, I whip out the ingredients. 20 minutes later, and people had started to give their food to the judges. As expected, everyone that was going up, was failing. 

Plating my dish and topping it with some green onions I pulled from the mini fridge, I nervously walk up to the judges. I had accidentally added too much sugar to my soy sauce. Menchi looks at it, poking it with her fork. She looks up at me, and then back to the food. "So tell me, number 231, why did you use pork for a recipe that uses chicken?" I gulp. "Uh, well.. I don't know many recipes that use pork, and so I figured that I could replace the chicken in one of my favorite recipes with pork. It was a little bit of a challenge, but that's what makes it fun!" I gained confidence, forgetting about my sugar mistake.

Menchi bit into it. Surprise crossed her face before it turned into disgust. Oh yea, the sugar. Calmly grabbing a napkin, she spit out the food in her mouth, throwing away the food-filled napkin. She was silent for a moment.

"Number 231, your ability to try new things is very admirable considering the lack of thought the contestants had today..." She suddenly grew much louder than the calm sound she had before. " BUT THERE IS SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH SUGAR!" 

I nearly flew away with how much air she was using to yell at me with. Staying quiet, Menchi looked at the rest of the applicants, speaking to all of us now. "So since no one here passed, the exam is now over!" Everyone turned, talking to one another. "Well I'm not here to be some stupid Gourmet Hunter! I'm here to become a Blacklist Hunter." Yelled one of the applicants. Rude.

"Well then it's too bad that a stupid Gourmet Hunter is your examiner huh?" You go Menchi. Tell him who's boss!

"Why I ought to come over there and-"

Storming over to the big man, I grab him by his shirt, pulling him down to my height. "And what? You're butthurt that you were bland and now your going to take your anger out on her? Was she fair? No, but she doesn't deserve a RAT like you threatening her!" The look on the mans face went from angry to surprised. I felt an intense aura focused on me, but I tried to ignore it.

 Letting the man go, I turn, but he grabbed my shoulder. Not giving him any time to talk, I whip around, kicking him in the jaw, sending him flying back into the gate of which we came through.

Hearing the magician giggle, he walked over to me, wrapping his arm over my shoulder. "Indeed, the nice young lady judging us doesn't deserve a lowly man like him to talk down to her." Hisoka looked down to me, giving me a wink and then a smirk.

"Is that a blimp?!" One of the applicants called. Yes it was, and soon dust formed around us, along with a very old looking man jumping from the tall height. "Yes, it would be quite rude to fail all of them."

After Menchi apologized, she decided that we would go to a place called split mountain, where we would retake the second phase. Everyone got on the blimp, and we headed off to the new second phase, the magician following me all the way.

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