Chapter 2: On your way.

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You jump a little when you hear a gravely voice on the speakers. "-Zaban City. I repeat, we will be arriving at Zaban City within the next few minutes." As you pull your {H/C}{H/L} back with your hair tie, you yawn, turning to the window slightly. You notice as the bus moves on how much the streets begin to fill. That's Zaban City though, full of life, business, and crime.

The bus halts and you get off, making sure to thank the bus driver on your way out. You didn't see any harm in being nice. If you weren't mean, usually you wouldn't draw any attention. You hated rude people. They made your blood boil. It amazed you how cold hearted people were and you wondered why few people knew of human decency. Was it that hard to comprehend?

Walking down the very full streets, you notice smells of new and exotic foods, also making sure to stop and look a few times at the jewelry merchants. Nothing caught your eye, but it didn't matter, you didn't really plan on getting anything anyway.

Suddenly, you heard yelling from a good hundred feet in front of you. "C'mon Gon! We don't have time to mess around!" "Sorry! Coming!" said a little boy said to a rather old looking man. A blonde boy stood next to him, smiling as the little boy caught up. "They might be taking the exam too..." you think. You hurry to follow, making sure to keep your distance. They soon stop and so do you. "Follow me." A voice said next to them. They entered a small restaurant and you listen close through an open window. "Steak combo please, the one that will make us see the light! Make it three please." the same voice from earlier said. "Must be an escort," you think silently as you pay even more attention now. "And how do you want that cooked?", a voice answered. "Grilled slowly over a low flame til done please.", the escort concluded. A few minutes later, you walked in.

As you walked in, you noticed that the escort and the trio were gone. Brushing it off, you recited the order that the previous man had made. The chef gave you a nod and pointed towards the back room. After you walked in, you closed the door and the room made its way downwards. "I knew it! They are going to take the exam too. If I run into them, I probably shouldn't mention that I followed them. I don't want them taking that as a threat." Also acting out Zetsu, your aura was now turned off. New doors opened and you walk out of the elevator. Who knows how far down you are. Even if you wanted to, you knew that from this moment on you would not give up, and you would not back down. Your journey to finding the thing that would never bore you, started right now.

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