Chapter 12: Phase Four Part 1; Getting Comfy

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Time was passing, and it was going quickly. Only 10 minutes left and Gon and his friends hadn't shown up yet. Anxiety kicked, and I was pacing the small area Hisoka, Illumi and I had claimed as our own. Time was ticking. 9 minutes. 8. 7. 6. 5 minutes. 4. 3...

Then, through the wall came the four I had been waiting for, and all my worry went away. They had made it. I run up to them, not giving them any chance to reject me, and hug them as tight as I could. Killua wormed his way out, but I let go of everyone else and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, yanking him back into my arms. 

"Hey let go! Baka!" He yelled at me, laughing. Reluctantly I let him down, and I notice Illumi looking at me. No, not me, but the small boy behind me, Killua. He seemed to have a small smile on his face and a happy gleam in his eyes. Noticing my gaze, Illumi's smile fades back into the look of despair it was when I saw what he really looked like. It was somehow even more creepy, seeing the now not-so-permanent smile gone. 

Saying my goodbyes to the four, we are all led outside, onto a grass platform able to keep us all on. We were instructed to take a badge without looking, in the order of which we escaped. We all grab out badges, and once we do, we take off the white slip of paper coving the message below. I see a number, #365. Looking around, a few people started taking off their badges. I guess I didn't understand?

"The number you see before you is your target. Get the badge on there and keep your badge, and it will equal a total of six points, or three points each. You can also get any other badge number that is not on your card or on yourself, and have each of those equal one point. And before some of you ask, yes, whatever means necessary to get your badge, including murder."

Who would just murder someone for no reason? I think, until I see a few men snickering. Jerks. Two people hadn't taken off their badges yet. Illumi and Hisoka. Deciding that I would take mine off just in case, I put it in my duffle bag that was just handed to me, and make a mental note to put it somewhere else later. 

We were led onto a boat, and without a word I instantly make my way over to Gon and Killua. "Who did you guys get?" I ask, not thinking it was that important. "Well I don't really want to show you, but it's not either of you I can tell you that." Killua and I look at each other and laugh, but Gon just sat there and kept staring at his target's number. 

"Let's show ours at the same time!" Killua says, trying to get Gon to cheer up. On the count of three, we all show our badges to one another. Killua had 199, I had 365, and Gon... 

"Oh no Gon." I say in a quiet and apologetic voice. "I-It's fine really! Don't worry about me." Gon said. "But that's, that's Hisoka's number!" Killua says, only loud enough for us to hear. It was true, #44, Hisoka. "I'll get his badge! I promise!" Gon said, cheering up. I give a sad smile and say my goodbyes as I go to Hisoka.

"Gon got your number." I say, a blank look on my face. "Oh I know my dear." He replies, an evil smirk on his face. "Well how'd you figure that out?" I ask. Hisoka just taps his lips. "Secrets my love, secrets."

"Ok well just don't give him a hard time. Make him work for it sure, but don't kill him or anything." I say, annoyed. "Oh my dear, that would be such a waste! However, if he does manage to take my badge, I will gladly let him keep it, at any cost." 

I scoff and the boat comes to a stop. "Okay! We have now arrived at Zevil Island! You will leave in the order you drew your badges!" 

I notice a large tree on a mountain. Writing down what I see, I add a note at the end.

"Go there and meet me by sunset." 

Seems good enough, I hope he understands. I slip the note into Hisoka's slightly open hand and disappear into the crowd before he could turn around and see who had given him the letter. He doesn't see me, but I see him. He grips the note, only looking down slightly before walking into the forest. A long time later, and it was finally my turn. Grabbing my bag and waving to the group of four, we all promised we would make it back to this same spot in a week.

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